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Human Rights Minor

The Human Rights minor provides students with both intellectual and practical opportunities to engage with human rights in preparation for encountering a wide variety of twenty-first century political issues, social problems, and employment opportunities. The curriculum is distinctively interdisciplinary, mirroring the world of human rights today.

Visit the program website for more information.

Why Study Human Rights at Grand Valley?

  • Learn about contemporary topics with both global and local relevance. The 2013 Global Slavery Index estimates that worldwide, 29.2 million people live in slavery with a significant number living in the US  some right here in Michigan.
  • Gain a foundation in human rights while creating your own pathway through this program, which includes electives across the university.
  • Acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world around the subject of human rights.
  • Engage in experiential learning connected to human rights through study abroad, internships, and/or service learning.

Career Insights

This tool shows an overview of potential career opportunities for this major. Actual salaries, employment opportunities, and job titles may change over time.

Location & Format

Undergraduate students in this program study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.



To complete the minor, students must complete 19 credits including HRT 450, Reflection on Human Rights, a one-credit capstone.

For More Information

School of Interdisciplinary Studies

Human Rights
117 Lake Ontario Hall
(616) 331-8110
[email protected]

Admissions and Recruitment Office