Partner With Us

Experiential learning is emphasized across the curriculum in GVSU’s Padnos College of Engineering and Computing. This takes shape in a variety of ways, depending on the student’s interests and degree program. However, partnering with the external organizations that eventual hire many of our graduates is one very important common element of this process across our programs. Our faculty have learned that one of the best ways to reproduce the experience of building real-world solutions in a production environment with a reasonably degree of fidelity, is to allow our industry partners to bring us real-world problems to solve.
The Applied Computing Institute is the GVSU School of Computing’s platform for providing experiential learning opportunities for our faculty and students and collaboration opportunities for our industry partners. There are a couple of different ways in which our industry partners can get involved. Click on one of the links below to learn more.
Sponsor a Senior Project
All GVSU computer science majors must complete a senior project course in which they spend a semester developing a non-trivial software deliverable for a real client with a team of their peers.
Sponsor an ACSL project
Multi-semester projects that are beyond the scope of a senior project are fair game for the Applied Computing Services Laboratory. These projects are staffed by GVSU computing faculty and students.