Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I file a discrimination or harassment complaint?
The offices listed below are available to assist you in your efforts to put an end to harassment and discrimination. Your questions can be answered, you can be helped in the preparation of reports and you can be advised informally and confidentially. You may request information and/or advice anonymously. You may file a complaint informally or formally, in several different ways.
Harassment Complaint Form (select "Other Discriminatory Harassment)
2. Can I speak with someone informally regarding my concern?
Yes. You may file a complaint informally or formally, in several different ways. A university employee or an employee applicant with a complaint, whether it is formal or informal, may contact the Office for Title IX and Institutional Equity or the Human Resources Office. If you a student with a complaint, you also may contact the Office for Title IX and Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office. The University Ombuds officers can provide confidential advice and support. See "Where to go for help" for more information.
3. What is sexual harassment?
Please see the Office for Title IX and Institutional Equity webpage or contact the Director/Title IX Coordinator for more information or to discuss concerns related to sexual harassment or misconduct.
4. I believe I am being harassed because I am a person of color. What can I do about this?
Harassment for any reason is never okay. If you have been made to feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or unwanted, you may choose to talk to someone about your concern or report it formally. It is recommended that complaints be filed within sixty (60) calendar days of the alleged incident.
5. I have a disability and need to know what resources are available to me, and where I can get some answers to my questions.
Contact the Office of Disability Support Resources, 215 The Blue Connection, (616) 331-2490.
6. I heard about a faculty or administrative opening. What can I do to recruit faculty and staff applicants to ensure a diverse workplace?
There is a lot you can do and should do! First, contact Megan Bravo in Human Resources at (616) 331-2215 or [email protected] to discuss your interest in recruiting diverse candidates. Together you can map out a strategy. Also, you should call your colleagues at other universities and ask them if they know of any people interested in the position. Then you should place a follow up call or send an email to any one suggested, and inviting them to apply. Email them the position posting and let them know who to contact to learn more about the position and how to apply. You can search the internet for committees or task force groups within professional organizations in the field. Email or send the vacancy notice to all committee members, and include a personal note from you urging them to identify candidates and contact you with questions. Finally, you should find out if any of your colleagues are attending a state or national professional meeting in a related area, in the near future. Ask them to bring copies of the vacancy notice, along with contact information. Do some networking at the meeting, especially with underrepresented community members who are attending; seek their advice on how to locate underrepresented candidates. Contact team members in the Division of Inclusion and Equity for additional support.