Science on Tap
Science on Tap is an opportunity for conversation, debate and interaction between scientists and the public while enjoying your favorite libation. Each month at the SpeakEZ Lounge, a knowledgeable expert hosts a discussion about a current scientific topic: cutting edge cancer detection techniques, climate change, Ebola virology, sex in the animal kingdom, Parkinson's disease, or brewing beer, to name just a few. This is a great chance to indulge your academic interests in a casual setting while enjoying great food and beverages.
Location: SpeakEZ lounge 600 Monroe Ave. NW 49503
Frequency: Second Thursday of every month at 8 p.m.
For more information, please contact:
Laura Stroik ([email protected])
Kate Haley ([email protected])

This September
Major Depressive Disorder: It's Not Just Serotonin
By: Elizabeth Flandreau, Psychology Dept., GVSU
Date: Thursday, September 14th
Time: 8 p.m.
Event Description:
Twitter: @ScienceOnTapGR
Highlight from the February Science on tap

Darwin and friends - celebrating Charles Darwin's 207th birthday with the amazing Adaptations & Evolutionary Eccentricities Science on Tap.
Previous Science on Tap Talks
Title |
Speaker |
Date |
Munching on Monkeys: The sustainability of Primate Hunting among indigenous Waiwai in Guyana |
Dr. Chris Shaffer, GVSU Anthropology |
October 9, 2014 |
Ebola and Our Global Village |
Dr. Doug Graham, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
November 20, 2014 |
Climate Change: What's it all about? |
Michael Gutowsky, GVSU Geology |
December 16, 2014 |
The Paleolithic Diet: Then and Now |
Dr. Debra Lown, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
January 29, 2015 |
Flirtation, Fertilization, and Frustration: a brief tour of animal sex |
Dr. Cara Ocobock, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
February 12, 2015 |
Human Gait: Truth and Consequences |
Dr. Lissa Tallman, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
March 12, 2015 |
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? |
Dr. Suganthi Sridhar, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
April 9, 2015 |
Climate Change: Why it isn't a myth perpetuated by bad science |
Dr. Kevin Strychar, Annis Water Resource Institute |
May 14, 2015 |
Sex difference and sports interest: Myth and Reality |
Dr. Robert Deaner, GVSU Psychology |
June 11, 2015 |
Profile of a Poisoner |
Dr. Brian Judge, Grand Rapids Medical Education Partners/MSU |
July 9, 2015 |
Liquid Bread and the Bubbles in Your Head |
David Ringler, Cedar Spring Brewing Company |
August 13, 2015 |
Parkinson's Disease: current insights and needed breakthroughs |
Dr. Caryl Sortwell, Translational Science and Molecular Medicine at the MSU College of Human Medicine |
September 10, 2015 |
I see you. I own you. How novel medical imaging will revolutionize precision medicine |
Dr. Anthony Chang, Van Andel Research Institute |
October 8, 2015 |
The Right Climate for a Saner Diet |
Robert Shapiro, the Humane Society of the United States |
October 26, 2015 |
HIV and Tuberculosis: why the synergy? (Going viral...confessions of a closet microbiologist) |
Dr. Julie Turner, Van Andel Research Institute |
November 12, 2015 |
Intro to BIG History |
Dr. Craig Benjamin, GVSU History |
December 10, 2015 |
What have we learned from Martian Robots? |
Dr. Doug Furton, GVSU Physics |
January 14, 2016 |
Amazing Adaptations & Evolutionary Eccentricities |
Dr. Laura Stroik, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
February 12, 2016 |
Pi+Face=HaHa |
Bart Sumner of Rapid Delivery Improv |
March 10, 2016 |
Can we design spaces where people can actually think? |
Richard Benoit, Steelcase |
April 14, 2016 |
The snack that bites back! Carnivorous plants that keep cultures and waistlines intact |
Rachel Schwallier, GVSU Biology |
May 12, 2016 |
Meet is meat and a man must eat: investigating the African poaching crisis |
Matthew Lindenburg |
June 9, 2016 |
Tales of a medical examiner |
Dr. Stephen Cole, Grand Rapids Medical Examiner |
July 14, 2016 |
Restoring the Rapids |
Tim Kelly, Planning Manager Downtown Rapids Inc. |
August 11, 2016 |
Empathy: What is it Good for? |
Dr. Heather Tafel |
October 13, 2016 |
Making Sense of Senses |
Dr. Dan Bergman |
November 10, 2016 |
Plagues, Death, and Human History |
Dr. Kathryn Haley |
December 8, 2016 |
Misconceptions About Conception |
Dr. Christopher Pearl, GVSU Biomedical Sciences |
January 12, 2017 |
From Flush to Fresh: The Journey of Wastewater |
Mike Lunn, Environmental Services Dept., City of Grand Rapids |
February 9, 2017 |
The Science of Beer |
Ryan Engemann |
March 9, 2016 |
Can You Be Alive After You're Dead?: Ethical Controversies Around Death and Brain Death |
Marleen Eijkholt, Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences, MSU |
April 13, 2017 |
Moon-shine: Our Nearest Neighbor Seen In A New Light |
Kevin Thaisen |
May 11, 2017 |
Applied Behavior Analysis For A Modern Era |
Sarah Campau, Behavior Specialist, Kent County |
June 15, 2017 |
Why Would Russia Want To Interfere With Our Election Anyway? |
Heather Tafel, Dept. of Political Science, GVSU |
July 6, 2017 |
Cannibals and Crazy Cows: The Propagating Prion Protein |
Guillermo Flores, Van Andel Institute, MSU College of Human Medicine |
July 13, 2017 |
Coconut Oil, Gluten Free, Juice Cleanses...Oh My! |
Katie Boss, Emily Palczewski, Dietitians of West Michigan |
August 10, 2017 |
The Intersection Between Art and Technology |
Vinicius Lima, Department of Visual and Media Arts, Grand Valley State University |
September 21, 2017 |
Medicinal Plants: Going, Going, Gone? A Case Study From Kenya |
Kristin Hedges, Dept. of Anthropology, Grand Valley State University |
October 12, 2017 |
Why Is Labor So Laborious?: Evolutionary Medicine and Human Birth |
Lissa Tallman, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
November 9, 2017 |
Weasels in the Woods: American Marten Ecology in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula |
Paul Keenlance, Biology Department, Grand Valley State University |
December 14, 2017 |
Ask a Paleontologist |
Laura Stroik, Biomedical Science Department, Grand Valley State University |
January 11, 2018 |
Evolution of the human mind and brain |
Mark Reimers, Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University |
February 8, 2018 |
Decoding a Diagnosis |
Nicole Marganti, University Counseling Services (GVSU), River City Psychological Services |
March 8, 2018 |
Is Brown Fat the Secret to Weight Loss? |
Ted Towse, Biomedical Sciences Department, Grand Valley State University |
April 12, 2018 |
What Happens When Beliefs Change? |
Michael Wolfe, Department of Psychology, Grand Valley State University |
May 10, 2018 |
From Research To Public Policies |
Martelle Esposito, President and CEO of Mothership |
June 14, 2018 |
Does This City Make Me Look Fat? How Our Cities Can Make Us Healthy, Or Kill Us, And How Urban Planning Can Help |
Landon Bartley, Senior Planner, City of Grand Rapids |
July 12, 2018 |
Exploring The Ecology Of The Great Lakes |
Mark Luttenton, Grand Valley State University, Annis Water Resources Institute |
August 9, 2018 |
Touchy/Feely: Emotion-Centered Design |
Joey Zeledon, Principal Designer, Steelcase |
September 20, 2018 |
A Series of Tubes |
Marc Bitterle, Network Engineer, Michigan State University
October 11, 2018 |
PFAS in West Michigan: Environmental and Health Concerns |
Richard Rediske (Annis Water Resources Institute), Chris Pearl (Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, GVSU) |
November 8, 2018 |
Courtship In The Fruit Fly: What’s Histamine Got To Do With It? |
Martin Burg, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
December 13, 2018 |
Your Closest Friends: The Human Microbiome |
Danielle Whittaker, BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action, Michigan State University |
January 10, 2019 |
Who’s Your Crawdaddy? A Better Understanding Of Pot, Pain, Prozac, Pesticides, And Puffing Pungent Pugilists Via The Crayfish
Dan Bergman, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
February 14, 2019 |
Vaccination: Your Duty To Humankind |
Kristin Renkema, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
March 14, 2019 |
Just Taste the Biotransformation in this New England IPA! The Science of Making Great Beer
Eric Janson, Brewing Operations Manager, Odd Side Ales |
April 11, 2019 |
Heart Disease: How Much Have We Learned From Animal Studies? |
Ruijie Liu, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
May 9, 2019
Bugs And Drugs: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly |
Steve Triesenberg, MD, Mercy Health |
June 13, 2019 |
Little Things, Big Impact: Understanding the Relationship Between Bacteria and Health |
Janet Price, University of Michigan doctoral candidate |
July 11, 2019 |
Going Native: A Case For Native Plants And Native Landscapes |
Wesley Landon, Landscape Architect, Native Edge, LLC |
August 8, 2019 |
Cretaceous Coastlines: How Fluctuating Sea-Levels Can Impact Coastal Dinosaur Communities |
Cory Redman, Science Curator, Grand Rapids Public Museum |
September 12, 2019 |
Michigan Made: Distilling With Long Road Distillers |
Kyle Schutz and Jordon Muschiana, Long Road Distillers |
October 10, 2019 |
Why Is The U.S. So Lousy At (Men’s) Soccer? |
Rob Deaner, Dept. of Psychology, GVSU |
November 14, 2019 |
Listening To The Cosmos: The Era Of Multimessenger Astronomy |
Brett Bolen, Dept. of Physics, GVSU |
December 12, 2019 |
Comparative Primate Birth Mechanics |
Natalie Laudicina, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, GVSU |
January 9, 2020 |
Science In 3D: Science Standards And Instructional Shifts |
Christopher Start, NexTech High School, Grand Rapids |
February 13, 2020 |
Why Lead In Pipes |
John Bender, Dept. of Chemistry, Grand Valley State University |
August 12, 2021 |
Ask An Anatomist |
Lissa Tallman and Laura Stroik, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
September 9, 2021 |
Insulin At 100 |
Chris Pearl, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
October 14, 2021 |
The Chemistry Of Your Thanksgiving Dinner |
Jessie VandenPlas, Dept. of Chemistry, Grand Valley State University |
November 11, 2021 |
Electricity and your brain |
Barbara Swartz MD, PhD, University of Michigan Health-West |
April 14, 2022 |
The Middle Eocene: The Rise of Modern Mammals |
Laura Stroik, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
May 12, 2022 |
What Happens When You Donate Your Body To Science? |
Alison Camero, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
June 9, 2022 |
Zombie Pathogens (Pathogen Host Manipulation) |
Kathryn Haley, PhD, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
August 11, 2022 |
"Teaching" An Old Yeast New Tricks: Improving Beer Flavor And Quality Through Genetically Engineered Brewer's Yeast (Saccharomyces spp.) |
Eric Janson, Head Brewer, Odd Side Ales |
September 8, 2022 |
Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: An Introduction To Neglected Tropical Diseases |
Doug Graham, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
October 13, 2022 |
From Rollercoasters to Cancer Treatment: How Math Is Essential To Solving Real-Life Problems |
Lora Bailey, Dept. of Mathematics, Grand Valley State University |
November 10, 2022 |
Search For The Last Eocene Hyperthermal Event: Recent Fieldwork And Research In The Uinta And Duchesne River Formations Of Utah |
K.E. Beth Townsend, Dept. of Anatomy, Midwestern University |
January 12, 2023 |
Booze And Botany: Adventures In Plant Biology And Eastern European Culture Through The Lens Of Alcohol |
Steve Rybczynski, Dept. of Biology, Grand Valley State University |
February 9, 2023 |
New Treatments For Alzheimer’s Disease |
David Morgan, Dept. of Translational Neuroscience, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University |
March 9, 2023 |
Art And The Resurrection Of Anatomy As A Science In The Renaissance – An Anatomist’s Perspective |
Chris Reed, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University |
April 13, 2023 |
Michigan's Oldest Fossils: How Yooper Pond Scum Shaped The World |
Dylan Wilmeth, Dept. of Geology, Grand Valley State University |
May 11, 2023 |