Travel & Expense Procedures (310) related to SLT Policy 6.18

Date of Last Update: Procedures Effective September 27, 2024

Responsible Office: Business and Finance


This document is designed to provide guidance to faculty and staff on University travel regulations and procedures. For questions regarding policies, procedures or travel arrangements, call the Business & Finance office at 616-331-2203.




Unless exigent circumstances exist, travelers shall have pre-authorization from their Supervisor, Department Head, Dean, Director, Appointing Officer, or Executive Officer before traveling. Travel approvers may pre-authorize use of funds in advance for a fiscal year. Travel approvers remain responsible for obligation of funds if travel pre-approval is granted. Travelers who have been granted pre-authorization shall book travel using the online booking tool (Lightning) or the University’s travel agent (Collegiate Travel Planners [CTP]) to reserve travel. Executive Officer travel is arranged and authorized through the delegated administrative support staff.


Employees: Each traveler is responsible for arranging their own travel schedule, booking reservations, and payment of expenses, using the University Expense Card, if issued to an employee, as the payment method. Employees/travelers that do not travel more than twice a year are not required to obtain an Expense Card for University travel. Those travelers not issued an Expense Card may use other payment methods as designated in the Travel Policy. Travel shall be arranged through the Lighting online booking tool module or directly through the University’s preferred travel agency, CTP.

Reminder: Even if a university employee does not have an issued expense card, every traveler must submit an expense report in Workday for each travel event.

University Guests/Groups: The host department is responsible for coordinating travel arrangements for University guests and non-employee groups. Travel arrangements for guests can be made through the Lighting online booking tool module or the guest can book their own travel. Large group travel (10 persons and above) should be arranged using CTP’s group travel specialist directly to book air, hotel accommodations, and/or car/van rentals. If the agency is unable to book all or part of the travel, the group may book travel directly with a preferred supplier, using the University Expense Card for payment. An email from the GVSU group travel planner will be required as supporting documentation that group travel services was requested and could not be obtained from CTP.


Commercial Airlines
All airfare must be booked through the Lighting online booking tool module or directly through the University’s preferred travel agency, CTP. Airfare for all GVSU travelers will be paid via the established University payment method linked specifically for airfare purchases with the travel agent or online booking tool. Airfare must be booked at standard main cabin fare class or lower with the lowest cost option being chosen wherever possible. Travelers may choose the main cabin fare that allows seat selection vice the main cabin with no seat selection. Basic Economy fares are not necessarily required if the restrictions are not reasonably appropriate for the traveler’s baggage and flexible itinerary needs.

Charter Air Service
Charter air service may be authorized when it is advantageous to the University measured by comparative travel costs and the time constraints of the travelers. Contact the Business & Finance office at 616-331-2203 if you believe charter air service may be warranted for approval.

Personal Aircraft
Air travel for University business on an aircraft owned/leased by employees is prohibited. All University air travel must be booked on regularly scheduled commercial airlines or a University-chartered aircraft.

Public Transportation
Taxis, ride share, buses, subways, etc. are reimbursable at full fare for University business.

Rental Vehicles
The use of rental vehicles is permitted when commercial transportation is not available or is impractical, or when rental is more cost-effective than mileage reimbursement. Renting vehicles for use at out-of-state destinations is permitted if necessary for the purpose of the trip and when it is more cost-effective than public transportation/ride-share & taxi services, when considering on-site parking fees. Reserve rental vehicles through the Lighting online booking tool module or directly through the University’s preferred travel agency, CTP.  

Pool vehicles are available for local group travel. Contact Facility Services to arrange a pool vehicle.

  1. A major credit card is required to reserve when booking through the online booking tool or travel agent and at the time the vehicle is picked up. An Expense Card should be used for security and payment. The rental agreement form and receipt must be submitted as supporting documentation on an expense report.    
  2. Fuel, if not included in the rental agreement, can be paid with an Expense card or reimbursed with receipts. 
  3. Refer to the insurance section regarding appropriate coverage.

University guests needing a rental vehicle that GVSU has agreed to fund the cost should rent the vehicles themselves in their own name or in their business name; make sure the vehicle is insured by the guest or that rental insurance is purchased from the rental company at the guest’s own expense; pay for the rental out of pocket; and submit for reimbursement or invoice GVSU for the expense if they are an independent contractor.

Personal Vehicles

  1. Mileage for travel between home and the primary work location is personal commuting and is not reimbursable.
  2. A site that is not their primary work location, they will be reimbursed round trip mileage at the current IRS mileage rate in effect for their trip from their home to the destination or their primary work location to the destination, whichever is less.
  3. Mileage for travel between home and the primary work location is personal commuting and is not reimbursable.
  4. Mileage within a campus location is not reimbursable unless the employee is required to transport special equipment or tools to perform their duties.
  5. Mileage between all campuses is permissible for reimbursement. Employees are encouraged to utilize the Laker Line bus service between the Grand Rapids and Allendale campuses whenever possible.
  6. Personal vehicles may be used in lieu of commercial airline travel. Mileage will be reimbursed at the established current Federal GSA mileage rate up to 500 miles (one way) for University business travel. Similarly, transportation by bus, train, or other means will be reimbursed for actual cost.  Expenses for fuel, repairs, etc., are included in the IRS mileage allowance.
  7. Expenses for parking, storage, tolls and ferries are reimbursable and limited to the actual amount paid.
  8. Parking fines and fees at University facilities are not reimbursable expenses. Any fine or charge for a violation of public policy (such as a speeding ticket, etc.) is not a reimbursable expense.


See SLT Travel and Expense Policy 6.18

For authorized individuals only, alcohol may be purchased on the University Expense Card.  Authorized individuals will be designated annually in writing by the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Whenever possible, written pre-authorization should be obtained on the purchase of alcohol. A Designation Worktag and Alcohol Expense item must be used to record alcohol purchases on the individual’s expense report and Executive Officer approval will be obtained within the Workday’s business process.


All lodging must be booked through the Lighting online booking tool module or directly through the University’s preferred travel agency, CTP unless lodging is booked as part of the conference registration. Payment for lodging shall be on the traveler’s Expense Card, if issued, or a personal form of payment that will be reimbursed if the traveler has not been issued an Expense Card. Room service expenses are reimbursable in accordance with the per diem allowance. Expenses incurred for tips are reimbursable without receipt, up to 15% per transaction.


Travelers shall use their University Expense Card for actual registration fees for conferences, seminars, etc. Fees for non-business and/or spousal/partner activities associated with the conference, such as golf or tour events, are not covered expenses and shall not be charged to a University Expense Card.


Travelers will be reimbursed for one checked bag on airline flights. If University directed travel exceeds five days, additional checked baggage fees will be permitted with approval by the delegated person.  Expenses incurred for handling and storage of bags is permitted as a separate expense with approval.

Personal expenses incurred for valet service, entertainment, personal phone calls, internet service, etc., will not be reimbursed.



All reimbursement requests for travel expenses must be submitted on a Workday expense report. The business purpose, date of the expense, and receipts must be provided in Workday to support the expenses. Any unused cash advance funds or personal expenses charged to an expense card that are not offset on the Workday expense report, must be returned to the Accounting Office in the form of check, money order, or you may call the Business & Finance office at 616-331-2203 to pay it on a credit card within 15 days of return of your trip.

University guests and other approved travelers must submit their receipts and mileage to their host for reimbursement in Workday. The Department Admin shall enter this information, using Create Expense Report for Non-Worker or Create Expense Report for Worker, for reimbursement. Guests must follow the University travel policy and are required to follow these procedures for reimbursement or per their contractual agreement, which should be uploaded as a supporting document into Workday.


Expenses must be submitted and approved in Workday by the last day of the month in which the transaction posted. If the last day of the month crosses with your travel dates, transactions must be submitted within 5 business days upon return. Expenses include the Expense Card charges, declining balance card transactions, lodge card (used for airfare charges with the travel agent), and out-of-pocket expenses. Travelers may include multiple trips, business expenses, out-of-pocket expenses, and Expense Card charges on one expense report within Workday. For personal vehicle mileage reimbursements, expenses can be consolidated and submitted once every 45 days. Out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed after the required approvals have been received. The status of payments can be found within the Workday  platform after submission. 

Non-employee reimbursement will be managed by the department responsible for payment of the non-employee travel.


Only actual business expenses incurred, supported by the original receipts uploaded into Workday, can be submitted for reimbursement. Receipts for baggage, tolls, parking and taxis are not required if under $75. Any extenuating circumstances resulting in altered travel plans or unusual expenses must be explained in the Business Purpose section within Workday. Authorized travel approvers, Appointing Officers, Executive Officers, and the Accounting Office have the authority to deny a claim in full or partial for non-compliance with University policy.


Reimbursement of foreign currencies will be reimbursed in the equivalent US Dollars. The Expense Card will auto calculate the currency rate based on the daily federal rate.


Cash Advances will be very rarely provided and will need to be authorized in advance by the Business Office with reasoning as to why one of the options below are not feasible. Cash Advances will be completed in Workday as a Spend Authorization, routed to appropriate Business Process approvers and finally approved by the Expense Manager. Supporting documentation that details how your dollar figure was calculated must be attached as supporting documentation. Please contact the Travel Team if you need help to request an advance.

The preferred travel payment options are:

  • If an individual is traveling more than twice a year, they should have their own Expense Card and they should use this card for all purchases and travel. 
  • If an individual is not traveling more than twice a year or needs to access cash during their travel, they should have a Declining Balance Card.


If an approved trip is cancelled and a Travel Advance was issued, the original check or a personal check must be returned within 15 days to the Accounting Office for deposit.

Airline tickets already received are subject to airline/travel agency return regulations. When applicable, the credit will be issued to the party having made payment. Cancellation fees charged by the airline/travel agency are eligible for reimbursement. When reimbursement has already been received for the cancelled trip, the traveler must reconcile this credit within 15 days with the Accounting Office (616-331-2203).



All University owned and leased vehicles are insured for both Liability and Physical Damage while being driven anywhere in the U.S. If you plan to drive a University vehicle outside the United States, please contact Risk Management at 616-331-2067.


The University’s Liability insurance will not respond until the vehicle owner’s Personal Auto Liability limits are completely exhausted. The vehicle owner’s individual Personal Auto insurance is primary for all claims. The University does not provide any Physical Damage coverage for personal vehicles.


Vehicles rented through Lightning/CTP for University-related business are covered under the University’s insurance program for both Liability and Physical damage while being driven in the United States. Travelers can reject the rental agency’s insurance for domestic rentals.  However, for international rentals, travelers should accept and purchase full Liability and Physical Damage coverage from the rental agency. All terms and conditions of the vehicle rental agreement should be read and followed.

For additional information regarding insurance coverages, limitations and exclusions while driving on University-related business, please see Vehicle & Driver Protocols.  Questions concerning insurance coverage should be directed to Risk Management at 616-331-2067.


  1. When another vehicle is involved in the accident, obtain that drivers’ insurance company name and address.  Also obtain the names, addresses and license plate numbers of potential witnesses.
  2. Take photos of all damage, and any other feature that may have influenced the event (such as road conditions, traffic lights, etc.)
  3. Report the accident to your supervisor

Complete a GVSU Automobile Accident Reporting Form.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected] as soon as practicable after the incident.  For additional assistance call Risk Management at 616-331-2067.


Lost or stolen personal property should be reported to your personal insurance agent. The University is not liable for any lost or stolen Personal Property.


In cases of serious illness, accident or emergency that occurs while traveling on University business, the traveler should notify his/her supervisor. If the supervisor cannot be reached, contact the Human Resources Office at 616-331-2215.

Page last modified February 20, 2025