2023-2024 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Bachelor of Applied Science in Technology Project Management
Degree Requirements (B.A.S.)
Students in the Technology Project Management Program at Grand Valley State University must follow all general education requirements (eduftp.net/gened/requirements-handbook-269.htm) as defined in the Grand Valley State University Undergraduate Catalog and complete a minimum 120 credits total toward their degree. This could include credits transferred in from their Associate of Applied Science degree or other prior coursework at an accredited institution. An addition 24 credits earned through prior learning assessment (PLA) could also be applied to their degree. Due to transfer and experiential credit differences between students, the time to graduation will be unique for each student. Students are required to earn their final 30 credits at Grand Valley State University. This program is exempted from the university's 58 credits from a four-year institution rule. All other relevant policies apply.
B.A.S. Course Requirements (9 credits)
- INT 331 - Person and Profession in a Global Environment (3 credits)
- BAS 301 - Concepts in Learning Integration (3 credits)
- BAS 495 - Senior Seminar in Applied Science (3 credits)
Technical Focus (transferred from AAS): 15+ credits
Technology Project Management Major Required Courses (Credits: 20)
- CIS 101 - Thriving in our Digital World (3 credits) OR CIS 160 - Learn to Code in Python (3 credits)
- CIS 349 - Agile Project Management (3 credits)
- EGR 111 - Introduction to Engineering Graphics (1 credit)
- EGR 113 - Introduction to CAD/CAM (1 credit)
- EGR 302 - Engineering Decision-Making in Society (3 credits)
- EGR 311 - Intermediate Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (3 credits)
- MGT 300 - Fundamentals of Management for Non-Business Majors (3 credits)
- OSH 300 - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (3 credits)
Application and Synthesis (Credits: 3)
Elective Courses (choose 2 - 3 for a minimum of 6 credits)
- CIS 250 - Principles of Information Systems (3 credits)
- CIS 320 - Visualization of Data and Information (3 credits)
- EGR 112 - Applied Programming for Engineers (2 credits)
- EGR 306 - Urban Sustainability (3 credits)
- EGR 406 - Renewable Energy Systems: Structure, Policy, and Analysis (3 credits)
- OSH 310 - Hazard Control (3 credits)
Suggested Order of Coursework for the Technology Project Management Major
Year 1:
Fall Semester
- BAS 301 - Concepts in Learning Integration (3 credits)
- CIS 101 - Thriving in our Digital World (3 credits) OR CIS 160 - Learn to Code in Python (3 credits)
- EGR 111 - Introduction to Engineering Graphics (1 credit)
- INT 331 - Person and Profession in a Global Environment (3 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
Winter Semester
- CIS 349 - Agile Project Management (3 credits)
- EGR 302 - Engineering Decision-Making in Society (3 credits)
- EGR 113 - Introduction to CAD/CAM (1 credit)
- MGT 300 - Fundamentals of Management for Non-Business Majors (3 credits)
- OSH 300 - Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (3 credits)
- Technology Project Management elective(s)
Year 2:
Fall Semester
- EGR 311 - Intermediate Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (3 credits)
- EGR 491 - Technology Project Management Internship (1 to 3 credits)
- Technology Project Management elective(s)
Winter Semester
- BAS 495 - Senior Seminar in Applied Science (3 credits) (typically taken in the final semester prior to graduation)
- Additional coursework as needed for technology project management elective(s), general education requirements, or free electives towards the total credits for graduation.
Year 3 and beyond (as needed):
- Additional coursework as needed for Technology Project Management elective(s), general education requirements, or free electives towards the total credits for graduation.