2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Modern Languages and Literatures
For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section in this catalog.
Website: eduftp.net/mll
The importance of world language study has never been more obvious than in today's global society. Leaders in business, government, and throughout the community are calling for increased awareness of the interrelatedness and interdependence of all nations and societies. One of the traditional barriers to understanding, and to the free flow of communication, has been a lack of informed citizens with competence in at least one world language. There is no better way to understand and appreciate cultures other than your own than to communicate with other people in their own language. What is more, the mastery of a second language inevitably improves your command of your native language. With such a high premium on communication skills in the world today, foreign language study is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
Honors Societies
Pi Delta Phi (French), Delta Phi Alpha (German), Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish)
Degree Requirements
A student working toward any B.A. degree must successfully complete the third semester course in a world language. The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures currently offers the following languages that fulfill this requirement: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
Transfer students who wish to major in a world language at Grand Valley must take a minimum of 12 credit hours of advanced-level coursework (300- or above) with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Grand Valley to qualify for a major. For transfer students who wish to minor in a world language, a minimum of six credit hours of advanced coursework (300- or above) with the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Grand Valley is required. This requirement includes those who have graduated from other institutions and now seek teaching certification from Grand Valley.
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers nationally recognized education programs in French, German, and Spanish. For more information, see program descriptions.
All French, German, and Spanish majors and minors seeking teaching licensure must demonstrate oral proficiency at the advanced-low level (or higher) prior to enrolling in the Teaching Apprenticeship. A study abroad experience is required for students seeking teaching licensure degrees (see individual program details).
The 380 special topics courses are available in all languages. The independent study and research courses in language programs within the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures are available to qualified students for independent study in areas not covered by the regular world language offerings.
Placement in Language Courses
Students who have studied a world language in high school or who have practical knowledge of a language that is offered by MLL must take a language placement evaluation (LPE) prior to enrolling for further study of that language. Students must enroll in the course in which they place on the (LPE). Instructors who determine that students are inappropriately enrolled may direct them to move to the appropriate level. Students can count one placement evaluation per semester (only the first attempt).
Transfer students with prior college language study are not eligible to take the placement examination in that language and must enroll in a course at the next appropriate level.
Students with non-college language learning may be able to earn college credit by achieving an appropriate score on an approved national test, such as Advanced Placement (see Credit by Examination).
Native speakers are not eligible to take the placement evaluation, nor are they eligible to enroll in 100- or 200-level language courses, except SPA 203. The students should talk to an advisor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures for proper placement. More information can be found at http://9dap.eduftp.net/mll/language-placement-evaluation-235.htm.
150 Course
The 150 is an accelerated language and culture course designed for students who have sufficient prior study to make placement in 101 inappropriate. The 150 course includes a review of first semester language (101) and covers the same material as 102. Completion of the course with a grade of C or higher prepares students for 201.
World Language Resource Center
The Language Resource Center (LRC) offers access to state-of-the-art audio, video, and computer technologies. The LRC lab spaces host 66 language-learning workstations, which are reserved exclusively for GVSU language students but closed to general campus use. The audio-visual and computer resources are used for digital project-based learning to enrich many courses at all levels. LRC equipment and software are being constantly updated and expanded. Visit online at eduftp.net/lrc.
Study Abroad
Grand Valley urges all students to seek study abroad experience. World language majors and minors will make exceptional progress by combining study abroad with their formal coursework on the home campus. Moreover, approved study experiences of varying lengths (summer, semester, or academic year) carry full academic credit for all participants, including non-majors. Several programs take place for six weeks during the summer and are led by a Grand Valley State University faculty member. Semester- and year-long programs are also available through GVSUs partnership programs in most regions of the world.
For more information, students should contact the Padnos International Center at (616) 331-3898 or visit online at eduftp.net/pic.
Regular accompanied programs include:
Chile: Intensive Spanish language studies for fall and winter semesters or nine-week spring term at the University of Bío Bío in Chillán, Chile.
China: Faculty-led intensive Mandarin summer program in Nanjing; one- or two-semester programs at East China Normal University in Shanghai.
Dominican Republic: A faculty-led spring program in Santo Domingo. This program offers students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, while living in the oldest European settlement in the Americas.
France: A faculty-led summer program in French language and culture located in Bordeaux and Paris. Semester- and year-long programs with partner institutions in Angers, Grenoble, and Paris.
Germany: A faculty-led summer program in German language and culture and a full-semester exchange at our partner institute in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany; semester exchange (primarily for business students) in Mosbach/Bad Mergentheim.
Japan: A faculty-led spring program in Tokyo and Osaka; semester or full-year programs at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities in Hikone and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Beppu; and full-year exchange program with International Christian University of Tokyo.
Mexico: Intensive Spanish language studies for fall or winter semesters at the University of the Americas - Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Oman/United Arab Emirates: A faculty-led spring program in Oman and Dubai. This program introduces students to the language, culture, and business practices of Oman and the UAE (Dubai).
Spain: Intensive Spanish language studies (all levels) for fall, winter, or summer semesters at the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain.
Taiwan: Semester programs at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei.
Arabic, Chinese, Italian, and Japanese Language Instruction
In addition to French, German, and Spanish, Grand Valley offers Arabic, Chinese, Italian, and Japanese courses of instruction to fulfill the B.A. degree requirement (201-level); the general education requirement (202-level); the language requirement for minors in Middle East studies (Arabic) and East Asian studies (Chinese and Japanese); and the international relations major language requirements. Arabic and Chinese offer a language minor program. A variety of 300-level language and culture courses are offered in Japanese.
Program Requirements
The following programs are available: