Brittland DeKorver

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Office: 231 Padnos
Phone: 331-2436
Email: [email protected]
Education/Professional Training
BA Chemistry, Secondary Education, Grand Valley State University
Ph.D. Chemistry - Education Emphasis, Purdue University
Research Interests
My research focuses on ways to improve student learning in chemistry courses. I am currently exploring ways students’ racial and gender identities play a role in their chemistry learning, both in laboratory and lecture courses. I am also interested in investigating how informal science learning activities, such as demonstration shows, might be oriented to maximize chemistry learning, and how to assess learning in these informal environments.
Student Opportunities
My research projects allow students to learn statistical methods, programming skills, qualitative research methods, and evidence-based teaching methods. I will work with student researchers to develop a project that focuses on the skills that will be most helpful in their future careers.