Dave Leonard

Professor of Chemistry
Associate Chair of Student Affairs
Allendale 312 Padnos Hall, (616) 331-3241
Grand Rapids 500 Cook-Devos Center for the Health Sciences, (616) 331-5899
Email: [email protected] Calendar
Education/Professional Training
BS Biology, Bucknell University, 1989
PhD Biochemistry, Cornell University, 1996
Post-doctoral training, HHMI, Univeristy of Michigan, 1996-1998
Visiting Sci., Louis Stokes Veterans Med. Center, Cleveland, OH 2005-2007
Research Interests
The main projects in our lab center on structure/function studies of beta-lactamases, the class of enzymes that are responsible for bacterial resistance to penicillin, cephalosporin and carbapenem-type beta-lactam antibiotics.