Laura Hawk

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Office: 371 Padnos
Phone: 331-2292
Email: [email protected]
Education/Professional Training
BA Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS Chemistry, University of Chicago
PhD Chemistry, University of Chicago
Research Interests
Protein aggregation, intermolecular interactions in biological systems, fluorine NMR
The Hawk lab uses peptide-based scaffolds to probe the noncovalent interactions of molecules in biological systems. Projects include exploring interactions between an intrinsically disordered oncoprotein and synthetic small molecules as well as investigating self-assembly of a beneficial amyloid to gain deeper insights into disease-associated amyloids, such as those involved in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. To probe these interactions, the system of interest is tagged with fluorine, allowing interactions to be monitored using fluorine NMR experiments.