Clinical Dietetics (M.S.)

Application deadline: 
January 15th (late applications accepted and reviewed until all seats are filled)

Clinical dietetics is a systematic approach to treating medical conditions, complex disease processes and their associated symptoms through medical nutrition therapy (MNT). The registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) uses and applies advanced nutrition knowledge, MNT, and the nutrition care process to promote health and prevent disease. RDNs work in a variety of settings:  clinical, outpatient counseling, community, food service, corporate, school systems, management/leadership, private practice, and sport/athletics.


Popular Majors

The GVSU Clinical Dietetics program does not require a specific undergraduate major. Applicants are encouraged to choose a major that is best suited for their particular interest and goals.

Applied Food & Nutrition Combined Degree

Allied Health Sciences
Biomedical Sciences

Page last modified March 6, 2025