Melissa Morison

Associate Professor
Roman and Greek archaeology / Ceramic Technology & Petrography / Monuments and Place-Making
BA University of Virginia
MA Indiana University
PhD Boston University
Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellow, American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Research Associate, The Michigan State University Excavations at Isthmia
Space, object, and process in the Koutsongila Cemetery at Roman Kenchreai, Greece. in Death as a Process: the Archaeology of the Roman Funeral, Oxbow 2017, ed. J. Pearce and J. Weekes. [with J. Rife]
Migration, Diffusion and Emulation: Petrographic Comparisons of Early Transcaucasian and Anatolian Pottery from Malatya-Elazi, Turkey. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 46 (2009) 138-159. [with M. Schwartz and K. Erdman]
Life and Death at a Port in Roman Greece: The Kenchreai Cemetery Project 2002-2006. Hesperia 76 (2007) 143-181. [with J. Rife, A. Barbet, R. Dunn, & D. Ubelaker]
Romanisation in southern Epirus: A ceramic perspective. in TRAC 2005: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Birmingham 2005, ed. B. Croxford.
Roman and Late Antique Ceramics of Southern Epirus: Results of the Nikopolis Survey Project. in Foundation and Destruction: Nikopolis and Northwestern Greece, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Athens 2001, ed. J. Isager.
Petrographic Analysis of Pottery from La Muculufa. in La Muculufa II: Excavation and Survey 1988-1991