* denotes a required field
Thank you for your interest in interviewing a member of the University Counseling Center staff. While maintaining our focus on providing mental health treatment to the Grand Valley community, we make every effort to accommodate student requests. Before completing the form below, please note the following:
The above are general guidelines of the University Counseling Center. If you have an exception that you would like considered, please contact the Center at (616) 331-3266.
I have read and agree to the above listed guidelines. * Yes
First Name *
Last Name *
Status * - Select Option GVSU Student GVSU Faculty/Staff Not listed Please specify a value for Status
Email *
Email (Confirmation) *
Phone *
What is the general topic of the interview? *
Please provide a prepared list of questions below: *
What is the interview for? * - Select Option Class Lanthorn Research Not listed Please specify a value for What is the interview for?
Where would you like to conduct your interview? * - Select Option Virtual (you will be responsible for providing the assigned counselor a link) In-person: Allendale Campus 206 STU In-person: Pew Campus DEV 101B
Do you intend to audio or video record the interview? Please note that counselors can decline recording. * Yes No
As noted, the University Counseling Center is unable to accommodate requests made less than one week in advance. Is there at least one week between the submission of this request and the date by which the interview needs to be conducted? * Yes No
What specific days/times are you available to conduct the interview? Please provide more than 1 option. *
Special Requests or Further Instructions
I understand that I will be contacted by a member of the University Counseling Center staff within two business days to schedule an interview. Interviews are subject to the aforenoted policies and counselor availability.
I have read and agree to the above statement * Yes
Human Verification *