I'm Doing Fine Podcast: Season Two

I'm Doing Fine Podcast
“If we were to ask you “how are you?” How likely are you to say “I’m doing fine.” At the GVSU Counseling Center, we are aware of how easy it is to get stuck in the habit. With the “I'm doing fine” podcast we show students how to mind their health, practice self-care, and accept the fact that sometimes, you just can’t do it alone. So, get ready to plug into your mental health! Because sometimes, you aren’t doing fine.”
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EP 1: How We Engage In Self Care as Peer Educators/Intro To The UCC
Welcome to the ‘I’m Doing Fine’ Podcast. Peer educators Cameron, Jodi, Hallie, and Bella talk about their own self care and introduce the University of Counseling Center services. This episode end with a short meditation guided by Cameron!
Ep 2: Part 1: Adjusting to College/Survival Guide
Welcome to the ‘I’m Doing Fine Podcast’ Cameron, Jodi, Hallie, and Bella discuss our tips and tricks for navigating college life. We gave a survival guide for GVSU! We end with a guided meditation led by Bella!
Ep 3: Part 2: Transitioning Out Of College/Preparing For Life
Welcome to the ‘I’m Doing Fine Podcast’ Cameron, Jodi, Hallie, and Bella discuss our tips and tricks for navigating life outside of college. We talked about coping with the emotions of the transition, resources GVSU offers, and discussed various pathways post graduation. We, also, receive advice from recent graduates! We end our podcast with a meditation led by Jodi!
Ep 4: Winter Blues/Fall Semester Wrap Up
Welcome to the ‘I’m Doing Fine Podcast’ Cameron, Jodi, Hallie, and Bella discuss the best and worst parts of winter, signs and signals for seasonal depression, and ways to take care of yourself over break. We end the podcast with a relaxation meditation. We hope you all have a wonderful break! We will see you next semester!
Ep 5: New Year, New Stress, Panic
Welcome back to the I’m Doing Fine Podcast! Cameron, Bella, Jodi, and Hallie discuss the new semester, stress, the pandemic, and how stress can be really scary and lead to panic attacks. Our guest speaker Erin White, University Counseling Center Counselor and Doctoral Intern (our supervisor!) discusses signs and symptoms of Panic Attacks. As a group, we discussed grounding techniques and personal experiences. Cameron leads a meditation on how to ground a friend who is experiencing a panic attack.
Ep 6: Validation and Worthiness
Welcome back to the I’m Doing Fine Podcast! Cameron, Bella, Jodi, and Hallie discuss worthiness and validation. We discuss the similarities and the differences of both concepts and how they can impact our overall senses of self. We selected this particular topic due to the Valentine’s Day holiday and the feelings this holiday can sometimes evoke. We further discuss our personal ideas of self-love and how we engage in those practices. All Peer Eds share their own personal affirmations and Bella leads a meditation teaching us how to affirm ourselves.
Ep 7: Women's History Month/Women Empowerment
Welcome back to the I’m Doing Fine Podcast! Cameron, Jodi, and Hallie celebrate Women’s History Month by discussing the women they admire and sharing information about women’s mental health! We, also, discussed femininity, women’s health, and resources at Grand Valley. Lastly, we ended the podcast with a meditation! TW: Sexual Assault