Associate Professor
Department of English
225 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-8574
[email protected]
Colleen Brice
ENG 261 The Study of Modern English
ENG 363 Applied Linguistics
ENG 664 Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching
ENG 665 Second Language Acquisition
Research Interests
My research interests are closely related to my teaching interests, and focus on issues in second language writing, ESL teacher education, ESL pedagogy, and language variation. My two most recent publications include a critical reflection on my data analysis procedures in a study of ESL students' reactions to teacher feedback, and a comprehensive review of the scholarship published on second language writing instruction between the years 2000 and 2003, coauthored with Tony Silva. My earlier work focused on university-level ESL writers, examining various aspects of their expectations and preferences for teacher feedback. Now that I am teaching courses for primary and secondary school teachers, I am interested in studying L2 writing and teaching in the K-12 context. In addition to publishing, I regularly attend and present my work at conferences held by professional organizations in my areas of specialization, including TESOL, MITESOL, NCTE/CCCC, and the Symposium on L2 Writing.
Recent Publications
Chapter 59. Writing in English for Academic Purposes
Chapter 60. Nouns and Articles
Chapter 61. Verbs and Verbals
Chapter 62. English Sentence Structure
In The Brief Thomson Handbook, 1st edition. (2007):
Chapter 44. ESL Writing for Academic Purposes
Chapter 45. Nouns and Articles
Chapter 46. Verbs and Verbals
Chapter 47. English Sentence Structure
In The Thomson Handbook, Preview Edition (2006):
Chapter 59. Writing in English for Academic Purposes
Chapter 60. Nouns and Articles
Chapter 61. Verbs and Verbals
Chapter 62. English Sentence Structure Coding data in qualitative research on L2 writing: Issues and implications. (2005).
In P. Matsuda & T. Silva (Eds.) Second language writing research: Perspectives on the process of knowledge construction (pp. 159-175). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Research in teaching writing (with Tony Silva). (2004). Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 70-106.
Twenty-five years of scholarship on second language composing processes: 1976-2000 (with Tony Silva, Jessie Kapper, Paul Kei Matsuda, & Melinda Reichelt). (2001).
International Journal of English Studies, 1(2), 211-240 (Special Issue: Writing in the L2 Classroom: Issues in research and pedagogy, edited by R. Manchon).
B.S., Bowling Green State University
M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University