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Third Rotation Engineering Co-Op
Major: Computer Engineering
As a co-op I participated in a lot the design of experiment process. This means that I helped create test plans to characterize the problem at hand. It then goes further to then suggest how the problem could be resolved. One of my biggest projects was characterizing changes of the performance of an embedded system after the software was changed. This meant testing the battery to make sure there wasn't an increasing in energy being used and making sure the functionality works as expected.

DornerWorks Embedded Engineering Co-op 1
Major: Computer Engineering
I got to work on quite a variety of things. I mainly worked with the networking team creating a GUI application to help configure XML configs to set up multiple TSN devices. I ran through testing protocols for multiple hardware projects. I also got to build and show demo's for some of the TSN devices.

Axis Automation Co-op
Major: Computer Engineering
I was able to work on a few machines this semester which included PLC programming, HMI designing, electrical panel design and debugging, and creating design drawing packets.

Gentex - Co-Op III
Major: Computer Engineering
I worked on testing programs that the customers wanted for rearview mirrors. I was given set detailed requirements and it was my responsibility to implement tests based on these requirements. I had to notify the team of any defects that arose from my test development, and I was in charge of running test iterations once the build was ready to be released.

Progressive Surface
Major: Computer Engineering
Tasks include setting up PCs for machines, creating documents and manuals, and working on PLCs. There is also work done in AutoCAD Electrical updating drawings for projects. I was also given the opportunity to join the electrical assembly team for a week to experience building panels and control enclosures.

Active Inspection: Hands-on experience with Dr. Arun Dalmia
Major: Computer Engineering
Over the course of this session, I have been tasked with training in C# application development by developing and debugging console applications, along with building C# unit tests for programs in Active Inspectionýs common repository. I have been thoroughly testing front-end applications for bugs and overall functionality before release, practicing with identifying and fixing the bugs I find, assembling computers fitted with Active Inspection applications, assembling enclosures for electrical systems, writing/appending user manuals and presentation slides for the same applications, and maintaining a housekeeping system I developed for application testing and development.
Read More About Active Inspection: Hands-on experience with Dr. Arun Dalmia

EGR 490 - Co-op III
Major: Computer Engineering
One project I completed involved developing a Python application that would automate the testing of motors and log data from them into csv files. Another project I completed was a Modbus application that posed as an industrial controller to test a VFD drive board. I also worked on a software application that had web-app elements on both the front-end and back-end.

Computer engineering Co-op 1
Major: Computer Engineering
I was tasked with developing and running tests on various embedded devices designed to meet customer specifications. Most of my work was project-specific updates for requirements verification that related to features like the Homelink wireless control system.

PCEC Co-Op 1
Major: Computer Engineering
I was given the opportunity to work on many different projects in order to learn the various engineering concepts surrounding them. Some notable tasks include writing Python applications with a full GUI to operate test fixtures and a high voltage power supply. That involved writing my first Python script and eventually to writing UART communication drivers and a JLink programming interface. I also got to write programs to conduct signal analysis such as using the Fast Fourier Transform to diagnose a signal and determine its frequency and amplitude. Another notable project that I completed was writing the embedded C API for another test fixture which also included a library that generates a PWM signal that, when passed through external circuitry like a low-pass filter, generates a sine wave. One of the last major projects I completed was programming an SPI that controls a Long-Range Radio shield for a microcontroller in order to transmit and receive data wirelessly. Additional projects I worked on included SMD soldering large circuit boards, conducting NFC range testing, high-voltage testing, and many other great learning experiences.

Dornerworks SepTech Co-op Rotation I
Major: Computer Engineering
The main project I worked on during this semester was setting up Continuous Integration(CI) testing for the septech team on our NASA SBIR project.I worked closely with team members to make sure we could thoroughly test all applications that we made to ensure they all worked

First Rotation at JR Automation
Major: Computer Engineering
Some of the tasks I completed in my first rotation, without specifics because I am not at liberty to discuss details, were basic HMI (Human-Machine Interface) programming and building, basic PLC programming, and AutoCAD Electrical work. A large part of my work for a long time was looking at former projects HMI and PLC code and identifying the basic structure and applying it to a new project the business unit had received for design. I have found being at JR that they gave me as much time as I needed to get all my questions answered and start understanding what I was looking at and how it all worked. I found that if your eager to learn and it shows, you will do very well here.

Phase 1 Engineering Co-op Experience
Major: Computer Engineering
While working there as a Computer Engineering major, I was able to push myself through being introduced to projects that were outside of my discipline. For example, I was able to work on a contract basis with a customer to study thermal engineering. This allowed them to develop a new product based off my work. However, I was also pushed within my own discipline through teaching myself a new programming language to write a data analysis tool.

Crucial Experience
Major: Computer Engineering
I assisted with testing out a brand new production line with the intention of improving a process. I made a test apparatus that was capable of testing 27 mirrors at once. I also made improvements to each production line to keep sensitive circuit board from being damaged. I have also created different types of mirrors that will be used for function testing.

Winter Rotation
Major: Computer Engineering
Entailed how to understand the process and procedure of a digital design of a cell. Then how to apply the concepts from that to the actual construction and set-up of the cell it self. Modifying and adapting to new constraints and limitations from actual construction of cell. Finally, learning how to debug HMI software, FANUC robots, and PLC software.

Test Engineering Intern
Major: Computer Engineering
I worked a lot testing software and building test software for a lot of airplane equipment.

Second Rotation
Major: Computer Engineering
My responsibilities with JR Automation had two categories; environmental documentation and machinery commissioning.
Environmental documentation included researching devices to be integrated into a project, and ensuring the device met the environmental and fire retardancy per the client's specification. On the other hand, machine commissioning included certifying that all the integrated parts and devices, perform their intended functions well and efficiently.

Gentex - Computer Engineering Co-op III
Major: Computer Engineering
As a Test Engineer, I create tests that verify the software on the product to ensure it follows the customers' requirements for various features and functions. I focused on LIN Conformance testing, which consists of several different tests that determine if the mirror or part meets specified requirements. Iýve also worked on testing diagnostics and features that Gentex incorporated in most of their mirrors as well as customer-specified diagnostics.

2nd Rotation Co-Op
Major: Computer Engineering
I was tasked with completing a large variety of projects big and small. The primary task I was assigned was doing circuit design. This is where I was given a project and I was tasked will design circuits to function with the guidelines and requirements provided. These circuits were then to be laid out but a PCB layout engineer. Many other tasks were also assigned to me including doing soldering work, thermal testing, ESD testing, EMC testing, research, and debugging of hardware failures. I was fortunate enough to gain experience with thermal cameras, thermal chambers, environmental chambers, heat guns, microscope imaging, and several other engineering tools and equipment.

Co-op Rotation #2
Major: Computer Engineering
I worked closely with engineers to fix bugs, develop support for machine vision libraries, and test software before release. I helped the marketing team update the company website and give presentations to current and potential customers.

Round 2
Major: Computer Engineering
A couple of projects I worked on have included designing a Bluetooth mesh network for street lights as well as learning about and working with a WiFi and Bluetooth dual radio module in a separate project. I have worked a lot with the command line environment, setting up environments in command line, and working with the Bluetooth and WiFi API.

Test Engineering Co Op
Major: Computer Engineering
While working at GHSP this winter I worked on flashing of ICs for police cruisers, and the testing of embedded systems controlling the transmission pump of automobiles.

Embedded Software Test Engineer at Gentex
Major: Computer Engineering
I tested the embedded systems within Gentex mirrors and wrote scripts.

JR Automation - 3rd Rotation
Major: Computer Engineering
Briefly, and ignoring many specifics that are covered in a different prompt, I was charged with commissioning two different machines. This means assigning IPs, configuring devices, and establishing a happy network by which the PLC communicates with its peripherals. I also was charged with being primarily responsible for programming an HMI for one machine, and assisting in the HMI program of another. I assisted in debugging PLC logic, hardware testing (I/O checking, VFD testing, etc.), I/O mapping and writing some of the safety program for one of the projects. I also assisted with auto-sequences, manual motions, dry cycle testing. I'm sure I'm missing a lot. If you prove yourself capable and eager, JR is always happy to give you more.

Koops Inc, Not Your Average Company
Major: Computer Engineering
This semester I worked in the Controls Engineering Division. This meant that my tasks included offline preparatory programming for machines that were still being assembled, online programming and debug on fully assembled machines, and upgrading/adding features based on customer requests throughout the duration of the time that machines were on site at Koops. I worked closely with my mentor, Justin, who taught me the programming standards at Koops and answered any questions I had. In total I worked on 14 machines on the shop floor, and helped with offline programming for an additional 3 machines. 13 of these machines I was able to see from start to finish, through offline, debug, and runoff, and helped crate them up and send them to Mexico, where they are being integrated into a plant.

First rotation at DornerWorks
Major: Computer Engineering
I worked on developing automated hardware tests for a prosthetic elbow. This included writing unit tests to cover as much of the existing manual test protocol as possible and adding hardware to the existing test fixture.
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