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Michael Lynn Animation Studio - Illustration Internship
Major: Film & Video
As of Oct 18, 2022:
- Designed character concept art for "Adopted Family" cartoon pitch for collaboration with Bethany Christian Services.
- Developed environmental concept art for children's show, "Wimee's World"
Read More About Michael Lynn Animation Studio - Illustration Internship

Felt Like I belonged
Major: Film & Video
I was a video editor for this job. I did also have the chance to be on-set to help record a couple of episodes for a future project.

GVSU Film/Video Alumni Chapter Intern
Major: Film & Video
The largest project I had during the internship was creating a video for the Dirk Koning Scholarship. The Dirk Koning Scholarship assists students in the film/video program who are creating works that contribute to the improvement of society. I worked in every process of pre-production, production, and post-production, along with the guidance of the alumni board. My other tasks consisted of running the alumni social media pages, creating alumni profiles for the GV website, and promoting events. Each of the board members took me under their wing and helped me develop new skills in their fields of focus.

Detroit Public Television Internship
Major: Film & Video
Kept time as Assistant Director for both weekly shows, MiWeek and American Black Journal, as well as Live Pledge Events and Roadshows (a YouTube link for the American Black Journal Detroit 67 Roadshow, an hour long special which I kept time for, can be found below). Attended DPTV events for set-up, tear down, and helping run the events themselves (such as Kids Club Live in Royal Oak where I was in charge of the costumed characters that would come out to greet kids).

Media Intern
Major: Film & Video
I filmed various amounts of footage of the students as they played tennis against each other and were engaged in other tennis drills. After filming, I also edited the footage, making promotional videos for next years camp and other various videos that the organization can use for various purposes. I also filmed over 100 drills for tennisdrills.tv and edited them to be put on his website.

GVSU Sports Information Internship
Major: Film & Video
I was in charge of making videos for athletic teams here at GVSU. I made three videos for the football program, and one video for all athletic teams.
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