Experience Matters
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Searching for Diversity in Film
Major: Writing
At the beginning of the internship I was tasked with writing a few short reviews and a full length article per week. Later in the internship I was asked to also edit articles so my writing load was lightened in order to give me time to edit three or four articles a week.

Writing & Publishing
Major: Writing
This internship was remote, so, in a week, we reviewed three books within a week, submitted critiques on them, and if they fit Dzanc, what the audience was, and the book's potential. We also had weekly meetings discussing and asking questions about the publishing and writing world.

Editorial Intern
Major: Writing
Tasked with reading over submitted manuscripts and providing supplemental feedback to inform the larger decision made by the publishing house. Additionally, an intern may provide copy-editing and proof-reading work.

My Summer Internship at The Borgen Project
Major: Writing
I wrote weekly articles that were due every week on Friday. Articles were to be proposed to our managers and had to be approved before we could begin to write them. There was also the option to use article ideas and titles that were already proposed and ready to be written about. Interns were to complete their weekly trackers that included activities like promoting The Borgen Project and calling/emailing congress to make a difference.

Campus Ministry Office Intern
Major: Writing
I develop and distribute our weekly email and do whatever tasks my supervisors assign. I wrote the 6-day devotional for our annual Spring Break mission trips (about 20 trips total). I maintain welcoming office environments where students hang out in between classes.

Working Without Belief
Major: Writing
During my internship here I assisted mostly with event promotion and social media outreach.
I had to update the primary site as well as many social media accounts with information about upcoming events. This also included drafting emails and press releases.
Updating policies and procedures was also a main focus. With a staff of volunteers it is common to have people come and go, so having the ability to convey the processes required for the organization to run are important to have on. Making sure they are up to date and accurate is essential.

KCON Faculty Profile Intern at GVSU
Major: Writing
My job as an intern was to create profiles for 56 nursing faculty members to go on KCON's website as a replacement for a couple PDFs that listed faculty names with their office locations and contact information.

Hometown Gazette Newspaper Internship
Major: Writing
During my internship I was responsible for writing articles, taking photographs of local and nearby town events, and interviewing individuals about accomplishments or events. I also had the responsibility of managing ad sales, from customers coming in to pay for their ads, to me calling businesses to ask them if they'd like to repurchase/purchase ads.

Interning for The Black Sheep
Major: Writing
For this internship, I wrote weekly articles to The Black Sheep's standards and helped promote them on social media.

Life as a Children's Editor
Major: Writing
I completed a multiple number of projects. The basics include proofreading books in the process of being published, editing manuscripts that come in, filling out proposal documents for possible projects in the future, and researching authors and illustrators.
All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of GVSU.