Facilities Services Staff
To submit a work order, key request, or car rental request you must be on a campus networked computer or connected through the GVSU VPN. If you are on campus WiFi, but not directly on a networked computer, you will need to use the VPN login as well. The VPN username is your network ID.
Please click GVSU VPN to be taken to the VPN login page.
The Facilities Services staff of 163 full-time employees works together to maintain and enhance the physical facilities on the Allendale campus, providing services which indirectly or directly support students, faculty, staff and guests of the University. There are a variety of operational responsibilities such as custodial, energy management, grounds, maintenance, mail, motor pool, environmental safety and project management.
Associate Vice President, Facilities Services
Rence Meredith, 616-331-3845, Email: [email protected]
If you have an emergency please call Customer Service at 616-331-3000.