Air Quality:
Reduce YOUR Carbon Footprint!
At Grand Valley's Service Building, bikes are available to faculty/staff for commutes across campus for a healthy and sustainable way of travel. In the past few years GVSU has taken a huge leap forward in terms of being a sustainable campus with its LEED buildings. Why not include faculty/staff transportation to the list? The Safety Department strives to use bicycles to cross campus, and lessen our carbon footprint.
Ready about the Safety Manager's Environmental Stride:
Grand Valley State University has taken a step towards lowering its emissions as it participates in the Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System that carefully monitors what it puts into the atmosphere. Along with the reporting system, GVSU uses low sulfur #2 diesel fuel to help power its campus.
Land: Waste, Water, and Pollution Prevention:
Hazardous Materials Management
Mercury (Hg) Recycling Program
- Grand Valley's goal is to replace mercury containing lab equipment and devices with non-mercury materials. Contact Customer Service at 331-3000 if you have mercury devices that need disposal. The mercury will then be recycled.
DID YOU KNOW: Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury! On average, 3,648 fluorescent light bulbs are recycled each year. Grand Valley recycles enough fluorescent bulbs to keep the equivalent of 30 mercury thermometers from reaching the environment!
Properly Disposing of Hazardous Materials:
- On average 1,200 lbs of RCRA Hazardous waste is disposed of as well as 52 lbs of universal waste in Facilities Services. Other waste disposed of includes medical waste, state of Michigan regulated industrial waste, DOT-Regulated waste and Non-Regulated Solids . Facilities Services maintains its status as a conditionally exempt small quality generator (CESQG).
- If your department holds any universal waste, please notify the Safety Department in order to coordinate a waste pickup.
- GVSU is also active in a TIER II Reporting System which benefits its local first responders by providing them all the necessary information of hazardous substances within its possessions to lessen the risk of placing one of our heroes in danger.

Pollution Prevention at GVSU:
Grand Valley State University implements state and federal plans for preventing and managing polluting materials.
- Pollution Incident Prevention Plan, otherwise known as PIPP, is a plan required by the State of Michigan that is focused on the proper handling of polluting materials. It wants to be sure that the materials are not being discharged down storm of floor drains and entering the water supply.
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans, or SPCC, is a federal plan to prevent the discharge of oil into waterways. SPCC places a lot of focus on prevention of spills by requiring preparedness and response sections in the plan.