Upcoming Deadlines
Bridging Scholarships for study abroad in Japan (Spring Deadline)
Date and Time
Saturday, March 15, 2025
The Bridging Scholarship program is accepting applications from American students participating in study abroad programs in Japan that begin in the Fall. Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study and attending any recognized credit-bearing exchange or an independent program in Japan are eligible to apply for these scholarships.
Bridging Scholarship recipients receive stipends of $2,500 for a semester’s study program or $4,500 for an academic-year program. Awardees join the Bridging Scholar community and gain access to our extensive alumni, donor, and supporter network. Foundation programming includes in-person and virtual mentorship opportunities as well as career and networking events.
The Bridging Foundation seeks to recruit a diverse cohort of students and has allocated a number of scholarships for students from underrepresented communities.
Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for Bridging Scholarships. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and must be enrolled as undergraduates in a college or university in the United States before and during the time they are studying abroad. Their study in Japan must last for at least 3 months and must earn credit that will transfer to their home campus in the US. Students who have already begun their study abroad in Japan are not eligible to apply.
This event has been tagged as fellowships.
For more information, please visit: http://www.aatj.org/japan-bridging-scholarships/
For more information contact the Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships at: [email protected] or visit www.bridgingfoundation.org/.