July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)

Faculty member's podcast gives forum to experts, alumni

'Tilting the Earth's Praxis' connects experts with alumni in public administration, criminal justice, education, nonprofit management and nursing. 


July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Brian Vernellis

Rydecki, Whitmer lead panel on growing Michigan's population

The Hauenstein Center director said GVSU plays a big role in bringing and keeping people in Michigan.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Brian Vernellis

President's corner

A new nursing agreement with Jackson College is funded by state appropriations designed for community colleges to partner with four-year universities and design a bachelor's degree in nursing specific to that community.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)

Fourteen years of sHaPe camp comes to successful end

The camp, focused on health professions, was among the first in the country to offer a pipeline program toward workforce development.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Peg West

Faculty and staff sketches

Community members who served as media experts, received accolades, had research published or have given presentations are listed.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)

In Memoriam

This space pays tribute to the people who helped shape Grand Valley, such as Daleene Menning, Norman TenBrink, Calvin Stockman and Patricia Reister.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)

DNP students learn on the job, in simulations

Change in curriculum has nursing students practicing skills at Simulation Center while on clinical assignment.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Michele Coffill

ENS students study effects of ORV use on Beaver Island

Students listened to residents' concerns and created an awareness campaign.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Michele Coffill

Cooper departs Charter Schools Office role for new position

Rob Kimball, associate vice president and executive associate to the president, will serve as the office's interim director.

July 18, 2023 (Volume 46, Number 19)
Article by Brian Vernellis

The GVSU Forum is published by University Communications; it is distributed bimonthly during the academic year and monthly during the spring/summer semesters. Send publication items to Michele Coffill, editor, c/o [email protected]. Web: eduftp.net/forum

University Communications Staff:
Thomas Chavez social media coordinator
Michele Coffill editorial director
Bill Cuppy assistant vice president, UComm – Creative and Multimedia Services
Sarah Dudinetz  social media manager
Ronda Huster university communications assistant
Katherine Kemp motion graphic designer
Chris Knape assistant vice president, UComm – Media and Public Relations
Dave LeFurge-McLeod senior videographer
Darius Mathis video/multimedia producer
Tony Packer associate director of video and multimedia
Julianna Schrier  social media coordinator
Corey Stamps  multimedia project specialist
Kendra Stanley-Mills associate director of photography
Brian Vernellis senior writer
Peg West  director of digital strategy and media relations
Samantha Drougle, student writer
Anna Pettit,  student writer

Other University Communications publications:
Grand Valley Magazine, flagship publication for GVSU; visit eduftp.net/gvmagazine 
GVNext, digital publication; visit eduftp.net/gvnext , for daily news updates and video features