Civic Engagement
The Civic Engagement initiative at GVSU strengthens our commitment to community-based and democratic learning. We support faculty interested in either exploring or strengthening their community-based learning (CBL) pedagogy, we sponsor faculty learning communities around the topic, provide grant funding opportunities for community-based teaching projects, offer individual consultations on CBL course development, project integration and mutuality, and provide on-demand workshops. Direct inquiries to Patty Stow Bolea, Pew FTLC Faculty Fellow.
During 2017-18, the Pew FTLC will support the Civic Engagement Initiative through the following events:
- Faculty Learning Community: Civic Engagement
- This group is working together to create civic engagement student-learning outcomes for GVSU: access a working document here.
- Civic Conversation Series
- GVSU Roots of Community Engagement: Conversation with GVSU President Emeritus Arend D. Lubbers
- September 14, 1 - 2:30 p.m., Loosemore Auditorium - Richard M. DeVos Center
- September 14, 1 - 2:30 p.m., Loosemore Auditorium - Richard M. DeVos Center
- Community Based Learning: Best Practices in the Classroom - Review and Discussion with Patty Stow Bolea
- October 18, 1 - 2:30 p.m., 3068 James H. Zumberge Hall
- October 18, 1 - 2:30 p.m., 3068 James H. Zumberge Hall
- Use of Reflection in Teaching: Civic Engagement and CBL with Susan Carson
- November 13, 1 - 2:30 p.m., 303C Richard M. DeVos Center
- November 13, 1 - 2:30 p.m., 303C Richard M. DeVos Center
- GVSU Civic Engagement Student Learning Outcomes: Exploring your Discipline in Civic Engagement Work
- January 12, 10-11:30 a.m., 3068 James H. Zumberge Hall
- January 12, 10-11:30 a.m., 3068 James H. Zumberge Hall
- Civic Learning: Strategies for Writing and Utilizing Objectives in Coursework with Karyn Rabourn
- February 2, 10-11:30 a.m., 303C Richard M. DeVos Center
- GVSU Roots of Community Engagement: Conversation with GVSU President Emeritus Arend D. Lubbers
- On Demand Workshops: GVSU CBL Designation: Course Design for Community-based Learning
- For additional resources related to designing Community-Based Learning courses, visit our Teaching Resource site: