Past Recipients - Sandbox Learning Grant
If you have received a Sandbox Learning Innovation Grant in the past and would like to be featured on this page, please let us know by calling us at (616) 331-3498, emailing at [email protected], or visiting us in 068 James H. Zumberge Hall.

Professor Molloseau and former Senior, Stephanie Moore, presenting their independent study research at PCEC Project Day.
Catherine Molloseau, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Engineering
The grant provided funding for Professor Catherine Molloseau and senior student Stephanie Moore (who has since graduated from GVSU) to build a composting unit (see image on the right) during the student's Independent Study in the Winter 2024 semester. This involved multiple meetings with members of the Sustainable Agricultural Project (SAP), creating a 3-D model via CAD design, design reviews, and ultimately constructing a composting system to be used throughout the growing season at the SAP. For the Stephanie's final grade, she presented her work at the Padnos College of Engineering (PCEC) Student Project Day (see image on the left).

Finished composter
Sara Agema, Affiliate Professor of Exercise Science

Affiliate Faculty member, Sara Agema, used funds from the Sandbox Grant in Winter 2024 to create promotional videos for students interested in Exercise Science. Each video follows a different emphasis. As Professor Agema states, "My primary goal was to increase students' clarity on their career purposes and goals. By providing access to professional spotlights, I aimed to expose students to diverse career paths and real-world experiences to help shape their professional journeys. I collaborated successfully with a videographer to produce several recorded promotional videos for the department."
Check out their videos below!
Exercise Physiology and Sports Performance - and separate hype reel