Teaching Innovation Grant Budget Guidelines
There are five funding areas available for a grant activity: personnel, equipment, travel, registration, and other. Each applicant is eligible for total funding of $3,000. An applicant may spread that amount across several funding areas or concentrate it in one. In addition, if there are co-applicants, they may choose to pool their individual $3,000 allocations for up to a total of $9,000 toward personnel, equipment, or other expenses. Travel and registration are limited to $3,000 per applicant regardless of the number of co-applicants. Please fill out only those funding areas that apply to your grant activity. The following guidelines apply:
- The Pew FTLC does not award retroactive funding.
- Funds may not be increased once the grant is awarded. Any expenses exceeding those awarded are the responsibility of the faculty member.
- All reimbursements must be made before the final report is submitted. Once the final report is submitted, the grant will be closed.
- All unused funds at the conclusion of the grant activity will revert back to the Pew FTLC.
Examples of expenses funded in the past through the Teaching Innovation Grant, along with category guidelines, are highlighted below.
Personnel (non-GVSU or student)
- honorarium for expert in the field or consultant
- project support person (not employed by GVSU) - translator, sound technician, etc.
- student worker - clerical, technological support, etc.
- undergraduate or graduate research assistant - data cleaning, management, and analysis
- recent graduate/alumni - project assistance
- specialized equipment essential to the innovation (including carrying cases)
- prototyping costs
- airfare, bus, train, taxi, hotel, food per diem, rental car for applicants and/or non-GVSU personnel (student travel is not covered)
- travel to training/workshop, field testing, data collection
- paid internship
- intensive workshop
- training
- conference fee
- course registration
- course material
- books
- DVDs
- subscription
- food for a retreat/meeting
Personnel Details:
The Teaching Innovation Grant no longer awards faculty stipends. Much of the work associated with teaching innovation is viewed by the university as part of a standard workload or significant area of focus.
Honoraria and student wages are to be paid through the applicant's department. Requests for reimbursement should be sent to the Pew FTLC Office after the work is completed.
For consultant honoraria, the following guidelines apply:
- An honorarium may only be paid to professionals not employed by GVSU.
- The amount of an honorarium is non-restricted and may reflect the unique fee of the consultant.
- All activities conducted by consultants will be publicized by Pew FTLC and open to all faculty and students as space permits.
- Funding preference will be given to residencies that directly impact both faculty and students.
For student wages, the following guidelines apply:
- A student wage may be paid to GVSU students only.
- Student wage rates are listed on the Student Employment website at: http://9dap.eduftp.net/studentjobs/wage-rates-32.htm/
Equipment Details:
Equipment expenses may not exceed $3,000 per applicant. Multiple applicants may pool their $3,000 allocation for a total of $9,000 worth of equipment. The following guidelines apply:
- Equipment requests must be directly related to the proposed grant objectives and critical to its success.
- Equipment and/or materials purchased with grant funds are the official property of Grand Valley State University.
- IMPORTANT: All technology purchases must be quoted and ordered through the Technology Supply Office ([email protected]) or purchased using a departmental P-Card. The Tech Supply quote should be attached to your application under “Other Supporting Files.” Please be aware that you will not be reimbursed if equipment is purchased on your own.
- Teaching Innovation Grants do not fund duplicate equipment (unless duplicates are necessary to effectively carry out the activity), updates to or replacements of employee-issued computer equipment or equipment normally funded by the unit/college.
Travel Details:
Travel expenses may not exceed $3,000 per traveler. The following guidelines apply:
- Travel must actively support the completion and/or success of the proposed project.
- Travel funds may be used for applicants and consultants only.
- Student travel is not covered by this grant. You may pursue funding for student travel through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (http://9dap.eduftp.net/ours).
- Travel funds for faculty are intended to cover intensive workshops and/or institutes only. Funding for conferences with concurrent sessions may be pursued separately through the Pew FTLC Faculty Conference Travel Grant.
Registration Details:
Registration expenses may not exceed $3,000 per applicant and are intended to cover registration fees for intensive workshops and/or institutes with a set curriculum, not conferences with concurrent sessions.
Other Details:
"Other" expenses must be listed, detailed, and justified in light of the grant activity. Guidelines are as follows:
- Funds will only cover the cost of an off-campus facility if university facilities are unable to meet the needs of the grant activity or if they are unavailable.