Welcome to the Office of Sponsored Programs

Updates on Executive Orders Impacting Federally-Funded Projects

Click here for current updates and guidance.

GVSU's Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is your go-to department for securing external financial support for your research, programs, projects, and creative activities. Call or email your Grants and Contracts Specialist early and often. It will make the entire process so much easier for you.

• We research and disseminate grant opportunities that align with your interests and areas of expertise,
• Provide technical assistance with grant and contract preparation,
• Offer consultation on proposal development,
• Assist with developing budgets,
• Review and submit grant proposals and,
• Execute contracts.

PIs should inform OSP of their intent to apply for an external grant or contract as early as possible. However, PI’s must submit fully completed external grant applications and contracts, with a finalized budget, to OSP via OneAegis for review no fewer than 5 business days prior to the deadline. This timeframe will ensure full capability to provide a quality grant proposal submission or contract negotiation.

What Is a Sponsored Program?

A sponsored program is a project that is funded by an external agency (an agency outside of GVSU). Most sponsored programs are awarded to the University on behalf of individual faculty members or Principal Investigators. The Office of Sponsored Programs submits proposals, accepts awards, and assists with the administration of the awards on behalf of the University.

Our Mission:

The Office of Sponsored Programs serves as the University's central office that supports faculty and staff in the identification, development, submission, and administration of externally sponsored agreements for scholarly research and creative activity.

Our Vision:

The Office of Sponsored Programs will be seen as a highly professional, responsive, and service-oriented organization that has an essential role in successfully advancing and supporting the University's mission and vision.

Grants and Contracts Specialists Directory:

Search for which Grants and Contracts Specialist is in your area.

PI Handbook:

A Guide to Sponsored Programs at GVSU.

OneAegis User Guide:

GVSU’s Electronic Project Approval Systems for Grants and Contracts.


OneAegis replaces StreamLyne as the external grants and contracts proposals routing system.

Meet the OSP Team

Marsely Kehoe, PhD
Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
050 James H. Zumberge Hall 
(616) 331-8531
[email protected]

Marsely is a senior grants and contracts specialist in GVSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs. She came to GVSU from Hope College, where she was most recently assistant director of sponsored programs, and previously program director for undergraduate digital humanities research and an instructor of art history. Marsely earned a Ph.D. in art history from the University of Wisconsin and is a specialist in Dutch art history and digital humanities.

Jodi Lockhart, MA
Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
049 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-3774
[email protected]

Jodi is a senior grants and contracts specialist in GVSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs. She has worked for a mixture of non-profit and governmental organizations administering grant funding at many levels. Most recently, Jodi was employed by the State of Colorado, managing behavioral health-related grants and contracts. She earned her Professional Master of Arts in Social Innovation at GVSU.

F. Corey Roberts, PhD, MBA
Senior Grant Writer
049 James H. Zumberge Hall 
(616) 331-2815
[email protected]

Corey is senior grant writer in GVSU’s Office of Sponsored Programs and has extensive experience with grants in higher education and the public and private sectors. Prior to joining GVSU, Corey was a university professor for 20 years at institutions in Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. As a scholar and department chair, he secured grants for research, curricular development, and university programming. Most recently, he was a funding specialist with a grants consulting firm where he coordinated applications to foundations and federal agencies. Corey holds a Ph.D. in Germanic Studies from Indiana University and an MBA from Davenport University.

Kim Squiers, MPA
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
049 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-6868
[email protected]

Kim is the director of sponsored programs at GVSU. She earned a master’s degree in Public and Nonprofit Administration and has more than 25 years of experience in leadership positions with a diversity of organizations in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. She has worked in grants and research administration since 2010.

Melissa Wright, CRA
Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
049 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-9452
[email protected]

Melissa is a senior grants and contracts specialist in the Office of Sponsored Programs and has served the GVSU community for nearly 25 years. Before joining OSP, she was the marketing and logistics coordinator for the GVSU Autism Education Center. Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Ferris State University and is a Certified Research Administrator, demonstrating deep knowledge of research administration.

Page last modified February 17, 2025