News from Grand Valley State University

Social theorist and scholar to visit campus

Patricia Hill Collins
Patricia Hill Collins

Patricia Hill Collins, social theorist, author and educator, will give a presentation February 26 as part of the Intersections program.

Collins, distinguished professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park, has taught at several institutions, held positions with professional journals and has served as a consultant for businesses and community organizations. Her research has examined issues of race, gender, social class, sexuality and nation.

Patricia Hill Collins: “We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest: Lessons from Black Feminism”
Wednesday, February 26
6 p.m.
Grand River Room, Kirkhof Center

“Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment,” published in 1990, was the first of numerous books Collins authored. In 2008, she became the 100th president of the American Sociological Association, the first African American woman elected to this position in the organization’s 104-year history.

Intersections is a series of events hosted by Grand Valley’s Office of Multicultural Affairs, Women’s Center and LGBT Resource Center. The series provides opportunities for the campus community to look at the world through multiple dimensions including race, gender, sexual orientation, and class status among others.

Collins’ presentation is in conjunction with Black History Month at Grand Valley.

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