Campus organizations honor women leaders

Grand Valley's Women's Commission honored faculty and staff members during the Celebrating Women Awards ceremony March 29 in the Kirkhof Center.
Stephanie Schaertel, associate professor of chemistry, received the Maxine Swanson Award; Cara Ocobock, assistant professor of biomedical sciences, earned the Women's Community Impact Award; Doris Penn, project coordinator for the Registrar's Office, received the Unsung Hero Award; and Allison Montaie, assistant director of the Women's Center, the Emerging Professional Award.
Positive Black Women awarded four scholarships to Deandreah Hollowell, Odell McFarland IV, Shaniya Stevenson and Emnet Woldemicael. Since the organization formed in 1995, PBW has raised and distributed $42,300 in scholarships to students.
The Women's Center gave Outstanding Student Awards to Ariana Jordan, Penni Kimble and Jaedah Pickens.
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