News from Grand Valley State University

Campus groups will honor women at annual ceremony

woman speaking at front of room
The annual Celebrating Women Awards is set for March 30 in the Kirkhof Center.
Image credit - University Communications

Four campus organizations and departments will recognize the achievements of students, faculty and staff members at the annual Celebrating Women Awards on Thursday, March 30, from 3-4:30 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Grand River Room.

The Women's Commission will present three awards: Maxine Swanson Award to Jennifer Palm, assistant to The Graduate School; Unsung Hero Award to Autumn Gorsline-Davis, academic department coordinator for Modern Languages and Literatures; and the Community Impact Award to Allison Ford, head coach of Grand Valley's synchronized skating team.

Awards and scholarships also will be presented by the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Women's Center, and Positive Black Women.

RSVP for the ceremony online at


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