News from Grand Valley State University

Women's Commission to host mentoring reception

four headshots: Tara Bivens, Wendy Burns-Ardolino, Mei Mah and Tricia Thomas
From left, Tara Bivens, Wendy Burns-Ardolino, Mei Mah and Tricia Thomas will be panelists during the mentoring reception November 15.
Image credit - courtesy photos

Grand Valley's Women's Commission will host its annual mentoring reception on Thursday, November 15, in the Cook-DeWitt Center on the Allendale Campus.

The event will run from 4-6 p.m. and feature four speakers who will share their personal and career journeys.

Speakers are Tara Bivens, benefits manager for Human Resources; Wendy Burns-Ardolino, professor of liberal studies; Mei Mah, associate director of the College of Education Center for Educational Partnerships; and Tricia Thomas, associate dean of practice for Kirkhof College of Nursing.

Wine and desserts will be served. RSVP online at



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