News from Grand Valley State University

Engineering and computing recognized for diversity initiatives

Four students work on an engineering project in the Keller Engineering labs.
Four students work on an engineering project in the Keller Engineering labs.
Image credit - Kyle Bultman
The ASEE Diversity Recognition Program Badge for 2019
The ASEE Diversity Recognition Program Badge for 2019
Image credit - Courtesy Photo

Grand Valley's Padnos College of Engineering and Computing (PCEC) has been recognized by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) for its efforts surrounding diversity.

PCEC received a bronze-level award from ASEE's Diversity Recognition Program, which was the highest level award given out for the submission cycle. 

According to ASEE, colleges and universities that were awarded bronze status are among the nation's leaders in inclusive excellence. The award recognition said PCEC excelled in the following four categories:

     1. Establishing baseline support for groups underrepresented in engineering. 

     2. Quantifiably analyzing and assessing unit composition, policies, culture, and climate related to all groups underrepresented in engineering. 

     3. Implementing programs and initiatives that strengthen the K-12 pipeline thereby reducing significant barriers related to long-term growth. 

     4. Developing an action plan focused on continuous improvement.

Grand Valley was recognized from a pool of 82 colleges and universities that submitted applications.

For more information on the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, visit


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