GVSU earns national award for commitment to diversity

Grand Valley was named a recipient of the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from Insight into Diversity, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education.
The award recognizes Grand Valley and 93 other institutions for their commitment to diversity and inclusion. This is the second time Grand Valley has received a HEED Award, the first was in 2014.
Jesse Bernal, vice president for Inclusion and Equity, said Grand Valley is intentional about its efforts to create a welcoming campus and strives to be a national model for equity and inclusion in higher education.
"We are pleased to be among the recipients of the HEED Award," Bernal said. "Grand Valley has adopted a social justice and intersectional framework that guides university initiatives and keeps us focused on fulfilling our promise to students that equity is embedded across the campus."
Recipients of HEED Awards are selected through an application process that includes focus on recruitment and retention of students and employees, best practices and administrative support for inclusive initiatives.
More information about the HEED Award is online at insightintodiversity.com.
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