News from Grand Valley State University

GVSU pathway program grows with new cohorts of Detroit eighth graders, their parents

Since a surprise announcement of admission to GVSU in 2021, more than 800 students from Detroit now participate in the university's pathway program.

Eighth grade students from Detroit Achievement Academy and three University Preparatory Academies learned of the entry and success program in mid-June at their promotion ceremonies. The Pathway to GVSU program is an initiative that offers qualifying students the opportunity for early admission to GVSU. Participants gain access to recruitment events and college-preparedness workshops provided by faculty and staff members.

Parents and supporters of those students also have a pathway to GVSU degrees, including the Bachelor of Integrative Studies, the Bachelor of Applied Science, among others.

students and their supporters are seated for an eighth grade promotion ceremony at Detroit Achievement Academy
The eighth grade promotion ceremony at Detroit Achievement Academy is pictured. Students there learned of the Pathway to GVSU program.

Danny Vélez, associate vice president for Admissions and Recruitment, said as the pathway program grows, so does the potential for student success.

"Students and their families are learning the steps needed to be a successful college student while they are in high school," Vélez said. "The program is three years old and has gained traction in these schools. Students know Grand Valley will be with them until, and after, they graduate as Lakers."

Kyle Smitley, executive director of the Detroit Achievement Academy, said the program has had a big impact on DAA students. Students in this past class of eighth graders are the third DAA cohort to participate in the program.

"Our past cohorts immediately had college-age mentors and set their sights on college completion, which helps to keep so much of their time and work in perspective and helps cut out much of the noise," Smitley said. "They're visiting GVSU regularly and deeply engaging with different academic fields and the students in them, and engaging in different parts of campus life."

Danny Vélez hands out GVSU gear to attendees at a Detroit Achievement Academy eighth grade promotion ceremony
Danny Vélez talks with students and their supporters at a Detroit Achievement Academy eighth grade promotion ceremony.
B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach, speaks on stage
B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach, tells the audience about the Pathway to GVSU program

John Johnson, director of postsecondary and alumni affairs at University Prep Schools, said all three middle schools now participate in the program. Because many would be first-generation college students, Johnson said they typically do not have college aspirations as eighth graders.

"By creating that mindset early in the students' high school tenure, we create an attainable goal that we hope will lead to better grades, a focus on what their postsecondary education goals will be, and a greater interest in exploring various careers and opportunities," he said.

The Pathway to GVSU program aligns with the Grand Valley Pledge, a free-tuition program for Michigan students from families with incomes less than $50,000. B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach, said he wants Detroit area families to know Grand Valley will walk alongside them from middle and high school to college and beyond.

"I want Detroit students and their supporters to partner with Grand Valley and better understand the college-going culture," Truss said. "We are increasing access to higher education and pulling the veil back to help students see and visit the on campus resources that are available to help them succeed."


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