A collaboration between Grand Valley’s Seidman College of Business and Consumers Credit Union is providing an opportunity for students to begin their careers in the banking industry.
Consumers Credit Union unveiled its TellerPlus+ station and TellerPlus+ Hub on February 25 during a ribbon-cutting ceremony in the L. William Seidman Center on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus.
Consumers Chief Marketing Officer Lynne Jarman-Johnson said talks between the credit union and GVSU first began three years ago.
“To see the idea come to life is incredible,” Jarman-Johnson said. “The students who are working for Consumers right here on campus all have the opportunity to then begin full-time careers with us. So there’s no better joy than seeing an idea happen, but then also seeing a difference in somebody's life.”
Four Grand Valley students will gain valuable experience as part-time digital service representatives, working on campus from the TellerPlus+ Hub to assist customers with their banking needs. One of the students is also part of the Laker Accelerated Talent Link program.
“Accessibility to experiential learning opportunities is key for students here at Grand Valley,” said Mallory Brouwer, director of corporate partnerships. “The ability for students to grow their résumés both in Grand Valley employment opportunities and other businesses, right here on campus, allows them to move on and gives them a competitive edge as they enter the workforce.”