Heather K. Gerken: Federalism in the Twenty-First Century
Heather K. Gerken: Federalism in the Twenty-First Century
Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 7 p.m.
Charles W. Loosemore Auditorium, Richard M. DeVos Center 401 Fulton St. W., Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Given the acrimonious character of national politics in our time, it is tempting to think that Americans can best live peacefully with one another through a system of geographical siloes: red and blue enclaves that interact with one another as little as possible. However, such an arrangement is incompatible with our democratic commitments and our tightly integrated systems of commerce and technology. How, then, shall we live together?
In a highly polarized environment, inevitable collisions might yield key insights for how the American people can address their differences productively. Heather K. Gerken, Dean of Yale Law School, will shared her insights on achieving common ground in the twenty-first century. The Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies at Grand Valley State University hosted Heather Gerken, Dean of Yale Law School, in honor of Constitution Day 2018.