Hidden Wounds of War: Moral Injury

Hidden Wounds of War: Moral Injury
How can we better serve those who serve and have served us? This question challenges us to think about those who gave some, and those who gave all, to serve our communities and our nation. Veterans, first responders, families, and communities struggle with the aftereffects of this service. Too often suffered in silence, the psychological trauma experienced brings the hardship home. By embracing honest discussion and strong networks of support, winning the battle against these harrowing challenges is possible.
Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock, senior vice president and director of the Shay Moral Injury Center at Volunteers of America, joined us for this year’s virtual conference. Dr. Brock shared from her experience working with moral injury and recovery.
The Hidden Wounds of War Conference is hosted by the Hauenstein Center in partnership with Grand Valley State University, The West Michigan Veterans Coalition, and the Kent County Veteran Services Office.