Progressive/Conservative Summit
Hosted as part of the Hauenstein Center’s Common Ground Initiative, the annual Progressive / Conservative Summit brings together leading thinkers and writers of different intellectual traditions and political persuasions to discuss how the collision of progressivism and conservatism shapes, has shaped, and will continue to shape our national identity. The Summit offers an environment in which civility and intellectual curiosity can thrive, welcoming all those eager to seek actionable common ground on the issues facing our polarized democracy.
Previous Years
Preventing Political Violence: April 19, 2023
What's Now and What's Next: October 1 & October 2, 2021
Election Panel 2020: October 22, 2020
Climate Change Panel: February 18, 2020
Searching for Deeper Common Ground: April 15, 2019
Gleaves Whitney: Common Ground?: December 5, 2018
Progressive/Conservative Summit: April 13-14, 2018
Conservative/Progressive Summit: May 4-6, 2017
Have the Liberal Arts Become Too Politicized?: June 11-13, 2014
"Why Progressive? Why Conservative? A Debate": April 15, 2013