Loss of Spouse, Household Member or Dependent
In early April 2021, FEMA will begin providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020 for deaths related to COVID-19 to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. The policy was finalized and FEMA is now moving rapidly to implement this funeral assistance program nationwide.
- Notify the Benefits Office within 30 days of death by logging into the eBenefits site.
- Under the "Change in Marital Status" or "Change in Dependent Status" qualified event select "Death of a Spouse" or "Death of Dependent"
- A copy of the Death Certificate will need to be uploaded
- Change beneficiary with retirement vendor:
- Fidelity
- Hourly Staff Defined Benefit Pension Program
- Change or add direct deposit
- Update Emergency Contact
- Email Human Resources at [email protected]
Other things to consider:
- Change Financial/Banking information
- Auto Insurance
- Direct Deposit
- Credit Cards
- Checking/Savings account
- Mortgage
- Other Investment Accounts
- Feel free at any time to contact our Worklife Consultant Elisa Salazar.
- GVSU Work Life Connections is your link to information, resources, and referrals on most any concern or life event that you may experience. Through our employee assistance service, Encompass, we can assist you in getting the support, information and answers that you need, get you on the right track again, and take some of the stress out of your life.
- Encompass will provide:
- Free Counseling for faculty, staff and their dependents
- Elder Care Resource and Referral
- Child Care Referrals
- Financial and Legal Services
- Convenience Services and more!