Cannabis Operations Management Minor, Certificate, and Badge
The Cannabis Operations Management curriculum is part of a three-part stackable credential targeted to those who work, or aspire to work, in the developing retail cannabis industry or ancillary fields.
Badge: 9 credits
Certificate: 15 credits (9 from the Badge requirements and 6 additional)
Minor: 20 credits (15 from Certificate requirements and 5 additional)
Requirements for the Badge (9 credits)
- HTM 217 - Cannabis and Culture
- HTM 242 - Cannabis Regulations and Tourism
- HTM 317 - Responsible Cannabis Operations
This badge is open and available to currently enrolled Grand Valley State University students by selecting it in Banner. Non-degree seeking students can apply for the badge online; contact HTM for more information.
This badge can be completed online.

Requirements for the Certificate (15 credits):
In addition to the badge requirements, students must then complete an additional six credits for the certificate:
- HTM 117 - Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry (1 credit)
- HTM 290 - Field Experience I (2 credits) or
- HTM 390 - Field Experience II (2 credits)
Complete one course from the following:
- CJ 101 - Justice and Society (3 credits)
- SW 150 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (3 credits)
- PNH 209 - Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning (3 credits)
- SOC 252 - Sociology of Drug Use and Abuse (3 credits)
With the cannabis minor, those interested in nonprofit and/or governmental intersections with cannabis operations, and efforts at achieving social equity, will gain a wider, holistic understanding of this developing industry and hospitality infusions. Students in HTM and other majors may minor in Cannabis Operations Management by completing a total of 20 credits as outlined below. Students should consider at least one field experience course in their minor program. Interested students must meet with the HTM Department Chair, Dr. Kristen Jack, to establish a specific plan in advance.

Requirements for the Minor (20 credits):
In addition to the classes required for the Certificate, a student must complete:
- HTM 390 - HTM Field Experience II (2 credits) OR
- HTM 490 - HTM Senior Internship ( 2 credits) depending on previous complete HTM internships
And one of the following:
- CJ 315 - Principles of Security (3 credits)
- CJ 392 - Social Justice Issues in the American Criminal Justice System (3 credits)
- HTM 361 - Hospitality Law and Legislation (3 credits)
- PNH 220 - Organizing to Make a Difference (3 credits)