GVSU Definition:
Offering the work of someone else as ones own is plagiarism. The language or ideas taken from another may range from isolated formulas, sentences, or paragraphs to entire articles copied from books, periodicals, speeches or the writings of other students. The offering of materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment is also considered plagiarism. (Grand Valley State University Student Code, section 223.01, p.19, 2011-2012).
Simple Definition:
Simply put, it means that you must never claim that someone else's work is your work. If you are using an idea or sentence or even a whole paragraph from a book or article in one of your assignments, you must give credit to the author of that idea or sentence or paragraph by properly citing the author. Even if you use an idea from one of your friends in one of your assignments, you must give credit to that friend. Acknowledge the contributions of others in your work. To acknowledge means to give credit where credit is due.
Tools to Avoid Plagiarism:
The Writing Center
The GVSU Writing Center is your best resource for learning how to write and cite correctly! It was created specifically for this purpose and you have to use it! You may either make an appointment, or just visit the center during drop-in hours with a copy of your writing. You will find all the details about the writing center here:
Our Librarians
Grand Valleys librarians are a wonderful resource if you have any questions about research or citations. Nothing makes them happier than when a student asks for research or citation help! They love sharing their expertise in these areas with students. You will find all the details about Grand Valleys libraries and librarians here:
Your Professors
In some countries, professors rarely interact with students outside the classroom, if ever. This is not the case at Grand Valley! Your professors will have office hours each week during which you may meet with them one-on-one in their office for help with your writing assignments. Simply contact your professor to make an appointment. It's that simple! They are ready and willing to help you and you just need to ask!
Online Writing (and Citing) Resources:
Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab (APA & MLA)
Capital Community College APA Writing Guide
University of Wisconsin APA Writing Guide
Capital Community College MLA Writing Guide
Questions to consider:
How would you define plagiarism? Was plagiarism discussed in your high schools/ universities back home? If so, how was it viewed? How do you think your culture views plagiarism? Do you know how plagiarism is viewed in the U.S.? Do you understand GVSUs definition of plagiarism? Why do you think Kiko was tempted to plagiarize? Why do you think Ali plagiarized? How does it make you feel to know that Temis story is true? Will you use the online resources provided in the workshop? Will you use the on-campus resources described in the workshop?