At the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies, we believe that every move forward on the path of lifelong learning is something to celebrate. Please join us in celebrating these stories of Laker Lifelong Learners. Do you have a story to share? Tell us Your Story. Join us as we celebrate and recognize some of the adult learners at Grand Valley. We're thrilled to be able to share their stories and hope you find inspiration and motivation. Whether you're a single parent student, a Veteran student, a transfer student, a lifelong learner working on professional development or an alumnus who was an adult learner, we want to celebrate you.
Laker Lifelong Learner Stories
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Laker Lifelong Learner Stories
Darla Eimers
Name: Darla Eimers
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies)
Why did she decide to continue learning? "I decided to go back to school for several reasons. I'm a single mother and I want to be an example of hard work and initiative for my son. I want him to understand the importance of an education as well as how rewarding it is to set a goal and do what it takes to accomplish it. I also believe that continued learning is an integral part of personal growth and vital for a well-rounded life."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "My son is a big motivator. I understand the impact of my education on his future, and want to do everything in my power to give him a brighter future. Sometimes it's difficult--I've been doing this since 2015, taking only a couple of classes each semester so that I can continue to work and care for my son. But knowing that I'm working towards my degree (which is a major life goal of mine) and impacting my son's life for the better makes it all worth it."

Joseph Wildey
Name: Joseph Wildey
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: LEADS / Applied Data Analytics
Why did he decide to continue learning? "I worked too hard to get my GED at 26 to stop now, especially when I'm not getting the jobs I want regardless of my certifications, education background, and experience. It's easier to swallow my pride and come back to GV than it is to continually interview for jobs I don't want."
What keeps/kept him going as a learner? What is his support or motivation? "Job security. A bachelor degree opens a lot of doors that industry certificates and experience alone won't. An education is also a great investment in yourself."

Tina Lee
Name: Tina Lee
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies)
Why did she decide to continue learning: "I decided to continue my education because I was entering into a new chapter in life. I was a single mother and wanted to improve my life for me and my amazing son, now 22 years old, he was 9 years old at the time when I made the leap of faith of returning to complete my education. I wanted to show him that you're never too old to pursue your dreams."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "What kept and keeps me going is my determination of completing my education, I could see the finish line before I got there. My source of motivations was / and is my son, family, friends and co-workers. My educational journal has been challenging, scary, and rewarding, I have been stretched and pulled in ways I could not have imagined. Now at 52 I am pursuing my Master's degree in Education, with emphasis in Adult and Higher education. I am excited about where my life is headed and look forward to what God has in store for me on my next chapter in life."
Sheri DeVries
Name: Sheri DeVries
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Exercise Science - Health & Fitness Instruction
Why did she decide to continue learning? "Earning a college degree had been a goal of mine since the third grade. I completed a couple of years of college right after high school, but then life happened and school became less important. As my children grew and started developing their own lives, I realized it was time to do something for myself. I had many reasons for returning to school from wanting to learn new skills to showing my children that you can accomplish anything if you work hard. But ultimately, I returned to school because I didn't want to get to the end of my life and regret not achieving my degree."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "I had an awesome support system all through my return to school. My parents, husband and children were my biggest cheerleaders, always ready to celebrate every accomplishment. The staff in the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies - including some dear friends I had worked with years ago - and the friends I made at the Adult Learning on Tap functions understood my experience as no one else could. Even the "traditional student" friends I made along the way were encouraging and ready and willing to help with anything I needed. With regard to motivation, graduating on my 50th birthday was the greatest motivation of all. :) "

Elizabeth Bradfield
Name: Elizabeth Bradfield
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies)
Why did she decide to continue learning? "Completing a bachelor's degree was a personal goal of mine I had always wanted to achieve but "life" kept getting in the way. When I walked into class on my first day, I felt both excitement and trepidation. I quickly settled in and became the "mom" in several of my classes--being two decades older than many of my classmates. I felt valued, despite my age, for the personal experience I brought to the classroom. I finally made time for me and finished my degree at age 47! The time I took to gain more education has paid off in my career and I'm earning more now than I ever could have in my previous job, and I love what I do!"
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "When I returned to school at GVSU, my daughter was also in college. She regularly encouraged me to keep going, helped proofread my papers and talked to me on the phone when I had to drive from Traverse City to Allendale one day a week for my senior capstone class.
My husband was the one who, without hesitation said, "do it," when I asked if it would be silly to pursue higher education in my 40s. He was so understanding and gave me plenty of quiet time to do homework, prepared lots of meals and made sure my car was packed whenever I had to travel to main campus. With two of the three of us in college, higher education was definitely a family affair. We planned weekend getaways based on semester breaks and there were many times homework was being done in the car! I was fortunate to have them both cheering me along!

Earl Whitney
Name: Earl Whitney
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies)
Why did he decide to continue learning? "After my time in the military, I decided to continue my education primarily to improve my job prospects; ensuring I landed an engaging fulfilling career."
What keeps/kept him going as a learner? What is his support or motivation? "The two things that kept me going during my time at GVSU were the support of my lovely wife Erin (master paper editor) and explorative and lively discussions that hallmark the integrated studies program!"

Jasmine Clark
Name: Jasmine Clark
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies), with an emphasis in Health, Medicine, & Society
Why did she decide to continue learning? "I felt this was the right time to finish my degree 15 years after 'graduating' (2005-2020). I still had a few credits left to receive my actual degree. Life events continued to get in the way and priorities changed after being moving back to my hometown of Detroit, getting married and having 3 children. Now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the classes I need are open online! I can finish my courses from my home and with my Alma mater! God has even made a way for me to afford to return.... This opportunity means so much to me."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "My family. They give me the time I need to study and continue to encourage me to keep going and remind me of how many weeks I have left until I walk the stage... again! I'm also motivated to use my degree to help me in starting my own accredited homeschool for my small children in the near future."

Amber Belmont
Name: Amber Belmont
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies), Emphasis in Educational Leadership
Why did she decide to continue learning? "Continuing my education after high school wasn't always my goal. It wasn't until I was having my first daughter that I began to understand the value of education."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "Honestly, my motivation and what keeps me going throughout my educational journey is my husband and three girls. My husband and I want to empower our daughters to continue their education, and by me completing my degree, we are able to lead by our example. Having their love and support has been an essential key to helping me get through the late nights and striving to complete my educational goals!"

Mark L. Wilson
Name: Mark L. Wilson, MPA
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Integrative Studies (Liberal Studies)
Why did he decide to continue learning? "I like to hedge my bets in the marketplace. I figured I could do this best by diversifying my skillset. By continuing my education, I found new ways to provide value to our society."
What keeps/kept him going as a learner? What is his support or motivation? "I continue to learn because knowledge is power and nourishment. It improves my self confidence and at the same time, it keeps me humble. My personal support and motivation has been family, community, and the constant feeling of hope. Surrounding myself with other learners keeps me inspired."

Erica Modderman
Name: Erica Modderman
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: English / Elementary Education
Why did she decide to continue learning? "I continued learning because I did not want my dreams of teaching to just be a deflated dream. I'm fortunate that my husband is so supportive and let me use his Veterans' benefits to finish up my degree."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "My family. I want all four of our kids to watch me walk down the aisle and know, despite all of the adversity, I was able to graduate. If I can do it with my business, a military husband, and the four of them, then they will be able to do it, too, if they work hard enough."
Name: Mindy Hunsinger
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: Allied Health Science
Why did she decide to continue learning? "I always knew I needed to finish my degree for myself. It was something I knew I was capable of and I was able to find the support I needed to be successful, both from my family and from the resources provided by GVSU."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "I have an incredible husband who offered me unconditional support as I finished my undergrad, so even though I originally went back for myself, my husband's selflessness is what motivated me when I would get discouraged. And now I'm in my 4th semester of grad school here at GVSU in the public health program."
Name: Anna Barncord
Program / Area of Study at GVSU: English Education
Why did she decide to continue learning? "After I graduated from IU, I wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go. I floated around for 7 years working as a bartender. I knew I wanted to go back to school, and came to a realization that my favorite moments in my life had come from teaching others. This guided me into education and jumping back into school to focus on that."
What keeps/kept her going as a learner? What is her support or motivation? "Taking the first step has always been a challenge for me, so I am eternally grateful for my boyfriend motivating me to go back to school. Now that I'm in it, I've found the motivation within myself to see it through to the end."
GVSU Adult Learner & Veteran,
Justin Sheehan
GVSU Adult Learner,
Tova Jones
GVSU Adult Learner,
Victoria (Tori) Rhodes
GVSU Adult Learner,
Cordell Zachery
GVSU Adult Learner,
Ryan Slusarzyk
GVSU Adult Learner,
Shannon Cohen
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