Scholarships and Awards

Mathematics Department Scholarships

Learn more, apply, and view past award winners.

Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Scholarship

Learn more, apply, and view past award winners. 

Mathematics Department Awards

Learn about the Mathematics Department Awards and view past award winners.

Mathematics Department Scholarships

These scholarships are given to honor students with outstanding performance and to encourage them to continue in mathematics at that level of excellence. These scholarships are made possible by the generous support of contributors to the Mathematics Endowment Fund. The scholarship amount is at least $1000. More information about these scholarships, as well as the online application form, may be found at the ScholarshipsUniverse web page The application deadline is March 1.

Award Winners

2024: Kennedy Graham, Marshall Nicholson, Alaina Hogan, Justin Sciullo, Rowan Kennedy, Lisa Shen, Kyle McKee, Sarah Zaske

2023: Julie Belloli, Virginia Berger, Sarah Brumels, Lauren Davis, Alaina Hogan, Paige McAloon, Dori Schlutt

2022:  Julie Belloli, Virginia Berger, Elise Dettling, Antonio Plascencia-Vargas, Jacob Ritsema, Randi Stone, Nathan Vandermeer, Emily Waggoner, Samuel Webb

2021:  Emily Waggoner, Morgan Hartline, Nicholas Layman, Shelbey Farr and Melanie Hanko  

2020:  Sam Bosma, Morgan Hartline, Joe Kendrick, Nicholas Layman, Brenna Skinner, Shayna Zack

2019:  Brooklyn Groenheide, Anna Stover, Amanda Thurner, Nathan Timmer, Maia Wichman

2018: Aimee Ash, Megan Genslak, Amanda Stanley, Shirley Walcott, Maia Wichman, Katherine Yats

2017: Zachary Ash, Dayna Ball, Matthew Conflitti, Logan Felt, Megan Genslak, Tanner Rufenacht

2016: Matthew Conflitti, Tanner Rufenacht, Jennifer Moon, Samantha Law, Logan Felt

2015: Andrew DiLernia, Susanna Lange, Megan Reiley, Nicholas Schweitzer, Kaitlyn Van Boven

2014: Kerry Cornelisse, Sean Hamilton, Brennan Kulfan, Susanna Lange, Allison Makowski, Caitlin McCullough, Alton Schneider, Carl Uzarski

2013: Kerry Cornelisse, Nathan DeMaagd, Sean Hamilton, Kayla Kolbe, Andrew Otten, Anna Plant, Rachel Wehner

2012: Nicholas Benthem, Beth Bjorkman, Veronica Burt, Amanda Haupt, Kurt O'Hearn, Kathryn Smith, Holly VanDyke

2011: Patrick Campbell, Alexis Johnson, Bridgette McGuire, Brittney Mohnke, Stephanie Petersen, Jacob Schuurman, Rebecca Sochacki, Zachary Weber

2010: James Corgan, Megan Frame, Emily Holth, Christopher Morris, Jacob Schuurman, Jonathon VerWys, Leah Wischmeyer

Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize and reward students who are working towards a math degree. These scholarships are made possible by the generous support of Donald and Barbara VanderJagt. The scholarship amount is up to $2000. More information about these scholarships, as well as the online application form, may be found at the ScholarshipsUniverse web page The application deadline is March 1.

Award Winners


Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Mathematics and Athletics Scholarship

The donors of this scholarship recognize that there are two activities on campus that take a considerable amount of time and commitment, namely, majoring in mathematics and participating in athletics. A significant number of students do either of these, a considerably smaller number of students do both. The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize and award students who both major in mathematics and participate in athletics. The donors also recognize that the outstanding mathematics major and the person who excels on an intercollegiate athletic team will each be recognized in their respective units. The intention of this scholarship is to recognize student-athletes who may not be outstanding in either area, but still are committed to both areas and spend considerable time and energy to stay competitive both in the classroom and on the playing field. As of 2024, this scholarship has been changed to the Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Scholarship.

Award Winners

2024: This scholarship has been changed to the Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Scholarship

2023: Jordan Burnham and Paige McAloon

2022: Paige McAloon

2021:  McKenzie Cain and Elise Dettling.  

2020: McKenzie Cain, Molly Schmidt

2019: McKenzie Cain, Molly Schmidt

2018: Sara Soltis

2017: Marissa Parker

2016: Tanner Rubin

2015: Jordan Drake

2014: Nathaniel Orndorf, Kaitlyn Van Boven

2013: Sara Andrasik, Olivia Obetts

2012: Colleen Condra

2011: Beth Ruhlman, Sarah Thomas

2010: Danyelle Kauble

Mathematics Department Awards

Outstanding Graduate Award

The department honors one student each year as its Outstanding Graduate. This student is recognized at the department's Annual Awards Banquet and at the university's Student Awards Convocation. The Outstanding Graduate must have earned 85 credits and have 3.5 overall GPA.

Award Winners

2024: Lauryn Davis

2023: Bradley Monarch

2022: Nicholas Layman

2021:  Anna Stover

2020: Maia Wichman

2019: David Bronicki

2018: Casey Koch Larue

2017: Vasily Zadorozhnyy

2016: Christine Lampen

2015: Kayla Kolbe

2014: Beth Bjorkman

2013: Kate Coveney

2012: Jacob Schuurman

2011: Elizabeth Parker

2010: Clifford Taylor

Outstanding Sophomore Award in Mathematics

This award recognizes the academic achievements of one or two students at the beginning of their academic careers. The purpose of the award is to encourage continued success in the study of mathematics. Students may only win this award by being nominated by one or more faculty. The student is eligible only during the first Winter semester after completing 36 credit hours, must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in mathematics classes with a 3.0 overall GPA, must have completed MTH 201 and MTH 202, and be enrolled in a math course above MTH 202 (the student does not need to be a mathematics major/minor).

Award Winners

2024: Sydney Lipton and Peter M. Verstraete

2023: Lisa Shen and Ethan Woudwyk

2022: Lauryn Davis and Alaina Hogan

2021:  Noah Dehollander 

2020:  Jacob England

2019: Molly Schmidt, Anna Stover

2018: Miranda Bibb, Maia Wichman

2017: Megan Genslak, Grace McMonagle

2016: Casey Koch LaRue, Kelsey Scott

2015: Tanner Rufenacht, Nicholas Schweitzer

2014: Christine Lampen

2013: Anna Plant, Khadijah Shaaf

2012: Beth Bjorkman, Veronica Burt

2011: Kate Coveney

2010: Elizabeth Parker, Jacob Schuurman

Mathematics and Community Service Award

This award is designed to honor a mathematics major at GVSU who exhibits excellence in mathematics and a strong record of community service related to mathematics, mathematics education, or education. The winner of this award will receive a certificate of award and a book, be recognized during the Department of Mathematics Annual Student Awards Ceremony, and be recognized by having his or her name engraved on a plaque in the Mathematics Department. Application packets are available at the Mathematics Department office. The application deadline is February 28.

Award Winners

2024: Shelby Asbeck

2023: none

2022: Alexia Davis

2021:  none

2020:  none

2019: Devan Washington

2018: Payton Cooper

2016: Nicholas Schweitzer

2015: Dominic Taylor

2014: Sarah Jamison, Andrew Otten

2013: Sarah Jamison

2012: Hannah Anderson

2011: Megan Frame

2010: Carlee Hollenbeck, Elizabeth Whaley

Department Senior Awards

The department honors graduating students for their accumulated excellence in the mathematics major and their overall contributions to the department. These students make a positive difference in the life of the mathematics department as they have demonstrated exemplary work in their courses and often have demonstrated leadership and participation in extracurricular mathematical activities. Students must be mathematics majors with a major GPA of at least 3.0 and have completed more than 100 credit hours.

Award Winners

2024: Leah Barber, Virgina Berger, Rowan Kennedy, Elinor Kochanski, Josiah Kruithof, Paige McAloon, Logyn Miller, Benjamin Paulina, Jacob Ritsema, Dorian Schlutt, Justin Sciullo, Grace Wilcox

2023: Alexia Davis, L. Dettling, Dustin Danckaert, Robert Dolan, Melanie Hanko, Evan Henning, Holly Hibma, Molly Kleinfeldt, Antonio Plascencia-Vargas, Marc Tunnell, Emily Waggoner, Claire Whittle

2022: Heather Anderson, Mary Baars, Samantha Bosma, AJ Clark, Lilia Condra, Annemieke Engelsma, Morgan Hartline, Mirza Komic, Stella Rodriguez, Kaitlin Terpstra, Lucas Smielewski

2021:  Sara Soltis, Hannah Hill, Rodney Van Lagen, Cian-Kyler Young, Miah Masvero, Courtney Lange, Brenna Skinner, Joseph Kendrick and Traci Kennedy. 

2020: Michael Baas, Miranda Bibb, Ethan Boelkins, Logun DeLeon, Jose Garcia, Alexander Jonauskas, Kylie Klunder, Anna Shier

2019: Kayleigh Bos, Brett Clark Marvin Dirkse, Madeline Miller, Amanda Stanley, Katrina Teunis, Shirley Walcott, Rebekah Yonker

2018: Zachary Ash, Dayna Ball, Matthew Conflitti, Logan Felt, Ellen Grove, Samantha Law, Grace McMonagle, Morgan Oneka, Maddie Rainey, Liah Renaud, David Shane, Mikaela Wyatt

2017: Jordan Drake, Lucas Kohlmeyer, Stephanie Loewen, Jennifer Moon, Tanner Rufenacht, Nicholas Schweitzer, Adam Terwilliger, Matthew Wieckhorst

2016: Jacob Adams, Brittany Bordewyk, Lindsay Czap, Andrew DiLernia, Danielle Harrison, Christina Kalouche, Susanna Lange, Matthew Meengs, Evan Peters, Kristin Zalewski

2015: Sara Andrasik, Nickolas Armstrong, Brealyn Beals, Brent DeJong, Kyle Ferguson, Adelin Levin, Andrew Otten, Alton Schneider
Carl Uzarski, Burritt Watrous

2014: Veronica Burt, Nathan DeMaagd, Patrick Herta, Kayla Kolbe, Rebekah Simon, Holli McAlpine, Noah Felicioni, Anthony Snyder, Elizabeth Strach

2013: Hannah Anderson, Nicholas Bentham, Ellen Borgeld , William Brown, Paul Fett, Amanda Haupt, Kurt O'Hearn, Mackenzie Osbeck, Bridgette McGuire, Kathryn Smith

2012: Jeremy Babila, Cassandra Becker, Andrea Fleming, Alexis Johnson, Nathan Marculis, David Schlueter, Rebecca Sochacki, Leah Wischmeyer

2011: Caitlin  Chamberlin, James Ryan Corgan, Megan Frame, Christopher Grow, Carlee Hollenbeck, Jonathon Verwys, Tess Wells, Elizabeth C. Whaley, Leah Wischmeyer

2010: Neil Biegalle, Wyatt Brege, Samantha Dahlberg, Kyle Golenbiewski, Katherine Green, Tarah Jensen, Nicholas Krzywonos, Andrew Schopieray, Corinne VanderKlok, Sandi Xhumari, Jessica Green

Donald and Barbara VanderJagt Mathematics and Athletics Award

This award will recognize any graduating mathematics major or PCKET major with mathematics emphasis, who has excelled in mathematics and who has participated for at least three years on one or more GVSU intercollegiate athletic teams or GVSU club sports.


Page last modified February 17, 2025