Music, Theatre, Dance Faculty & Staff

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Director of Choral Activities, Professor


Office Address
1320 The Haas Center for Performing Arts

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Charles Norris, Professor of Music Education at Grand Valley State University, holds masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His undergraduate work was completed at Indiana State University in Terre Haute. A thirteen-year veteran of K-12 music teaching, he brings practical experience into a variety of music education methods courses at Grand Valley State University. Dr. Norris also teaches aural perception and sight singing, choral conducting, conducts GVSU Varsity Men and directs graduate research. His academic interests include aural perception, music education assessment and the vocal development of children and adolescents. Dr. Norris' research and scholarly articles are published in the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Contributions to Music Education, Journal of Research in Music Education, Music Educators Journal, Michigan Music Educator and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. Dr. Norris has not only presented clinics and sessions at numerous state, regional, and national conferences but also has appeared with GVSU Varsity Glee Club at regional and national conferences of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and Intercollegiate Men's Choruses. He currently holds memberships in NAfME, Intercollegiate Men's Choruses, Michigan Music Educators and the Michigan School Vocal Music Association. Dr. Norris is a Past-President of the Michigan Music Educators Association and has served on the editorial board of the Michigan Music Conference. In addition to the aforementioned professional activities, Dr. Norris enjoys working with area high school singers and serving as the music director at First Presbyterian Church of Holland, Michigan.

Page last modified April 4, 2022