Remembering Prof. Dan Stolper
Prof. Dan Stolper was my mentor and friend. I met him at the University of Illinois while getting my doctorate. I was his Teaching Assistant. Whether I was planning his visits or playing in lessons, he was always kind and encouraging. He had the ability to make people feel like they were his family. Later, when I started my first job at Grand Valley State University, he came to work with my oboe students at GVSU Double Reed Days. He was also my sabbatical replacement and took care of my oboe studio while I was away on a medical leave. I will always remember his love for the oboe, his genuine interest in his friends and colleagues, and mainly his heartfelt support of his students. His knowledge of the oboe and dedication to the oboe community were never ending. He always made time for everybody. Dan was loved and cherished by many. When I taught at Interlochen in 2017, his students were excellent oboists, as expected, and they were a wonderful team of people. Dan had the gift to unite and inspire, influencing both the youngest and the experienced musicians. Many memories come to my mind when thinking of Dan. I will always cherish our talks about the oboe, his life stories he shared with me while we sat on a bench and rested between oboe classes in Ostrava, or delicious meals we shared together at restaurants. Those memories make me smile and fill my heart with warmth. Dan has touched many lives and being his student, colleague, and friend meant the world to me. As he would close his emails “lots of love, as ever, xxoo.”

Prof. Stolper and Kelsey Wilcox

Prof. Stolper and Cassie Negron

Prof. Stolper and Lissa Ford

Prof. Stolper and Nate Bliton

Prof. Stolper and Victoria Tillman
From left: Dusan Foltyn, Radana Foltynova, Dan Stolper, Marlen Vavrikova, and Sandro Caldini

From left to right: Leila Storch, Dan Stolper, Marlen Vavrikova, and Richard Killmer
A performance at the GVSU Double Reed Day 2006!!