About OURS
Undergraduate research and scholarship is a unique opportunity for students to work with faculty on their scholarship and produce an original output that contributes to the knowledge or activity of a particular academic discipline. The mission of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS), a program within the Center for Undergraduate Scholar Engagement (CUSE), is to establish comprehensive services and programs which support students in their pursuit of inquiry, creativity, scholarship, and research.
"We sometimes talk as if 'original research' were a peculiar prerogative of scientists or at least of advanced students. But all thinking is research, and all research is native, original, with him who carries it on, even if everybody else in the world already is sure of what he is still looking for. It also follows that all thinking involves a risk. Certainty cannot be guaranteed in advance.”
John Dewey, Democracy and Education, 1916; MW 9:155

OURS Mission
The mission of OURS is to establish comprehensive services and programs which support students in their pursuit of inquiry, creativity, scholarship, and research.
Undergraduate research is often defined as a student pursuing the creation of an original piece of scholarship through scientific method, creative exploration, or deep study. At Grand Valley, undergraduate research is approached through the lens of liberal education. The act of inquiry, or asking a question, sets students on the path of research and creative work.
This pursuit is guided by a faculty member who mentors the student in the tradition and methodology of the discipline. Students are also informed by ethical standards and are engaged members of the community of scholars at GVSU.
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is located in 230 Mary Idema Pew Library, atop the stairs on the second floor. Contact us or come see us today to inquire about undergraduate research and scholarship, schedule a meeting, or give us an update about your success.
OURS History
The pursuit of student research and scholarship at Grand Valley has deep roots in the history of the university. Original student research began in a number of the original Colleges at GVSU, namely Thomas Jefferson College, William James College, and the College of Arts and Science. This tradition continued through decades as the university grew.
Student Scholars Day and Student Summer Scholars, originally established in the Division of Math and Science, have served as the anchors for undergraduate research for over fifteen years. These programs have served thousands of students by encouraging original research and scholarship.
SSD and S3 moved to the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies and became part of the Office of Integrative Learning in 2006. During this time both programs were expanded to support student research from all disciplines and majors.
In 2010, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship was established as part of the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence (CSCE). The mission and intent of the office is to establish comprehensive services and programs which support students in their pursuit of inquiry, creativity, scholarship, and research.
In 2021, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS) became a program within the Center for Undergraduate Scholar Engagement (CUSE), along with the Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships, as a one-stop shop for students interested in pursuing academic and creative feats outside the classroom. CUSE is still a part of CSCE.