Social Studies
For the social studies concentration, you will take three additional courses in Social Studies disciplines including history, geography, economics, and political science. To prepare you for the upper elementary grades in social studies, you will choose one of two geography courses, a history course, and then choose your final class from an extensive menu of courses that you want to gain a more sophisticated understanding of the content of social studies. By choosing a concentration in Social Studies, you will be positioning yourself to be a leader in Social Studies at your school.
The Social Studies concentration requires 9 credits of courses across several disciplines. Students who select this concentration cannot double count courses taken for PCKET core requirements.
GPY 220: Cultural Geography or GPY 235: Geography for a Changing World*
HST 205: American History to 1877*
One of the following courses:
SST 308
SST 311: Data Literacy for Social Studies Teachers
HST 301: Colonial America
HST 302: Revolutionary America
HST 312: History of American Women
HST 314: African American History
HST 315: Latinos: The Forging of Ethnic Identities
HST 318: History of Democracy in American
HST 320: American Indians
HST 323: Michigan History
HST 328: U.S. Constitutional and Legal History
PLS 102: American Government and Politics
PLS 203: State Politics
PLS 206: American Constitutional Foundations
*Indicates course that is often, but not always, offered during Spring/Summer semesters