Policy Details
Date of Last Update
- Senior Leadership Team
Responsible Office
Equity, Planning, and Compliance Unit
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Web Accessibility Policy
SLT 9.7
Policy Statement
Grand Valley State University is committed to the fundamental academic principles of equity and accessibility by providing all students and staff with equitable access to the University's programs, services, events and staff development activities. The aim of this policy is to support an inclusive academic environment by incorporating design concepts that reduce or remove barriers to our websites or to provide equally effective alternative access.
This policy establishes minimum standards for the accessibility of web-based information and services considered necessary to meet the University's goals and ensure compliance with applicable law. The University has assigned web accessibility responsibilities to its Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator and Web Manager, or their designees.
This policy applies to all official web pages and associated web-based services developed by or for a college, school, department, program, or unit of the University.
The University will ensure that new online content and functionality developed, procured, or used will be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. This action will include any staff training that may be necessary to ensure full implementation.
All new web pages published by any University college, school, department, program, or unit on or after the effective date of this policy must conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA Technologies Accessibility Standards and this policy.
For existing online content, the University has: developed a strategy for identifying inaccessible content and functionality for individuals with disabilities; developed a notice to person with disabilities regarding how to request that the University provide access to online information or functionality; prominently posted this notice on its home page and throughout its website; and developed a process to ensure that, upon request, inaccessible content and functionality will be made accessible in an expedient manner.
Each website must contain a link to report accessibility issues, or to request an accessible version, should users have trouble accessing content within the site. This would usually be the site administrator or content author.
Accessibility training will be provided and required of all faculty, staff and other authorized representatives prior to being given access to manage any online content through the Content Management System (CMS) or through remote access to a web server (FTP, SFTP, SSH, etc.).
This training will help content administrators produce accessible content, and assess and correct content that may be inaccessible. All content administrators will be required to attend Accessibility Training on an annual basis as long as they manage online content.
If necessary, at the discretion of the Web Accessibility Coordinators or their designees, some or all non-compliant portions of the web pages and resources may be taken offline, or brought into compliance by designated staff or contractors.
Purchasing of Outside Content
All web-based content and systems, whether developed internally or obtained from third-parties that the University chooses to make available, is expected to conform to accessibility standards set forth in this policy. Accessibility of these technologies should be verified by University staff with demonstrated ability in accessibility evaluation. This verification process should be accomplished through hands-on evaluation of the product, prior to purchase.
When evaluating third-party products, it is advisable to choose the most accessible product in the space. However, not always will there be accessible choices, or the most accessible choice may not align with other dominant selection criteria. In cases where a product with limited accessibility has been purchased, interim, equivalent accommodations documented in an approved ADA exception should be in place until the service can be made accessible.
Contact Information
Any concerns with the accessibility of online content should be directed to the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator, 4035 James H. Zumberge Hall, 616-331-3296 and/or Web Manager, 2090 James H. Zumberge Hall, 616-331-2525 or their designees who serve as the University’s Web Accessibility Coordinators. You may also utilize the Section 504 and Title II grievance procedures found at http://9dap.eduftp.net/accessibility.