Policy Details
Date of Last Update
- Senior Leadership Team
Responsible Office
GVSU Laker Store
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GVSU Laker Store Policy
SLT 6.21
Policy Statement
GVSU Laker Store is dedicated to serving the students of Grand Valley State University with resources, which enhance the University’s mission and image.
Textbook Locations
GVSU Laker Store - Allendale carries the textbooks and supplies required for classes taught on both the Allendale & Robert C. Pew campuses and for those taught at other locations across the state. These are available online at http://lakerstore.eduftp.net.
GVSU Laker Store – Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus
carries the textbook and supplies for classes taught in Grand Rapids,
including those at the Health Campus. These materials can also be
ordered at
GVSU SAVE is the Laker Store’s digital course materials
initiative aimed at making books more convenient and affordable. Visit
the GVSU SAVE website for more information: http://lakerstore.eduftp.net/GVSUSAVE.
Other Merchandise
GVSU Laker Store – Allendale offers GVSU imprinted clothing and
gifts, school and art supplies, and a full line of computers and
accessories, including Apple products. GVSU Laker Store – Robert C.
Pew Grand Rapids Campus offers an assortment of apparel, gifts and supplies.
Discounts, Sales and Promotions
GVSU Laker Store attempts to maintain pricing policies that are
reasonable, fair and consistent. As a result, the same pricing is made
available to students, faculty and staff. Sales and promotions are
announced in advance on the GVSU Laker Store website and on social
media. All GVSU constituents are invited to sign up for Laker Store Rewards.
Merchandise Returns Policies
Textbooks may be returned for a full refund through the first
week of classes with a valid receipt. Check here for complete refund
policies: http://lakerstore.eduftp.net/SiteText?id=89206
Book Sell Back
Since GVSU is cashless, Book Sell Back is only offered in-person
during finals week after Fall & Winter semesters, however,
students can use the Laker Store online portal to sell back books any
time: http://onlinebuyback.mbsbooks.com.
Textbook Orders
Faculty & academic department textbook orders need to be
submitted by October 25 for winter semester, February 25 for
spring-summer semester, and March 25 for fall semester. Requisitions
may be submitted on-line in the faculty access section of the
bookstore’s website at http://lakerstore.eduftp.net/.
For access information, please consult your department coordinator or contact the GVSU Laker Store Faculty Relations Team. When submitting a requisition, please provide accurate ISBN information to ensure that the correct book is ordered. GVSU Laker Store staff also appreciate notification that “no books are required” for a class when appropriate.
Desk Copy Loans
Publishers will not honor requests for desk copy loans from
bookstore personnel, so such requests should be made directly to the
publisher. Faculty requiring a desk copy of an adopted textbook should
contact their publisher representative for additional information.