How has President Haas affected your time at GVSU?
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9/2/15 2:25 PM
As a student I had an amazing opportunity to work in the Seidman College
of Business Dean's Office - I would frequently see Tom up on the 5th
floor while I was setting up for all the morning breakfasts, meetings,
faculty/staff events, etc. He was always very happy to see the student
workers and made a point to ask how we were doing. As a young
20-something yr old, I felt extremely valuable and influential within my
business college community. Thanks T. Haas!
of Business Dean's Office - I would frequently see Tom up on the 5th
floor while I was setting up for all the morning breakfasts, meetings,
faculty/staff events, etc. He was always very happy to see the student
workers and made a point to ask how we were doing. As a young
20-something yr old, I felt extremely valuable and influential within my
business college community. Thanks T. Haas!

8/31/15 9:04 AM
I was in undergrad when T. Haas came to GVSU, and he's been nothing short of amazing to talk to and get to know. He used to come in the student section with us and get a little rowdy during football games. Tell ya what though... guy doesn't play any defense on the basketball court. You'll see him camping at the top of the key, ready to shoot the 3-ball.
All jokes aside, President Haas has been an amazing ambassador for Grand Valley State University. Attached is the only photo I have of him and I - my undergrad graduation.
All jokes aside, President Haas has been an amazing ambassador for Grand Valley State University. Attached is the only photo I have of him and I - my undergrad graduation.

8/31/15 8:52 AM
As a transfer student, I was also so impressed by how visible President Haas was around campus-not just seeing him walking around, but actually stopping to speak with student about our studies! I didn't participate in commencement, but I was thrilled to still get some time with T. Haas when I ran into him at a conference shortly after graduation in my new position. Thanks T. Haas for everything, here's to 10 more!

8/20/15 1:52 PM
T. Haas is an amazing president who continuously strives to connect the Michigan communities with his students. I've had the pleasure of interacting with T. Haas as a student and as an employer; always seeking new ways to engage his students and alumni with new and unique opportunities. A true gem. Had the opportunity to give him a tour of Quicken Loans, my employer, with several fellow GVSU alum.
8/18/15 12:25 PM
During commencement, my name was mispronounced and I was upset. While walking across the stage, T Haas said, "It's ok, Andrea! They're cheering for you!" Made my day. Thank you for always being available and interacting with students- it's extremely meaningful that you can relate to students. It makes GVSU feel like one big, awesome family!

8/18/15 11:48 AM
I remember T. Haas so intentional and present with students during my time at Grand Valley. My memories of him swearing me in on Student Senate, rowing at football games, and shaking hands with my parents at a tailgate remind me how much GVSU felt like family!
8/17/15 8:50 PM
President Haas extended a warm hand of friendship, respect and dedication on the multiple occasions I have had the honor of spending with him.
As a student who has transferred from several Universities in the country no president has made me feel more cared for than President Haas.
Thank you for all you do for this University and for myself as an individual. Here's to ten more years.
As a student who has transferred from several Universities in the country no president has made me feel more cared for than President Haas.
Thank you for all you do for this University and for myself as an individual. Here's to ten more years.
8/17/15 3:47 PM
T. Haas was kind enough to make a video in celebration of my victorious battle with cancer, as well as welcome me to becoming a Laker for a Lifetime! The video made me feel beyond thrilled to start my college journey as well as ball my eyes out!! When we finally got the chance to meet, it was a moment I will never forget! His enthusiasm, energy, and passion for Grand Valley made it all the more amazing! He truly has made GV feel like my home away from home. Thank you so much again!

8/13/15 6:20 PM
First of all, I just greatly admire him! There isn't a public President Haas and a private one. He's whole in that way, and the community has come to know that over time. He's everything we would want in a leader. President Haas has always made me feel like an incredibly valued member of the intellectual community here at Grand Valley and proves to be actively and genuinely engaged in faculty, staff, and students. He's personally called me his "friend" and each time he sees me at an event, he always makes his way over to speak. Congratulations, President Haas!

8/12/15 9:54 AM
When a president is willing to do anything to engage students and alumni, you know he is a spectacular leader. President T. Haas has worn ugly sweaters, made snow angels in a blizzard, gotten a bucket of ice dumped on his head, been in a rap video and competed for best mustache, and he has still managed raise the bar of academic excellence at Grand Valley. He and Marcia are true Laker celebrities; not for their status but for their kindness. Go Lakers!!