How has President Haas affected your time at GVSU?
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8/7/15 3:10 PM
President Haas and I run into each other all the time at events, and he always greets me with smile and talks about the upcoming traditions. It's fantastic that not only does he make an effort to see all these students and members of the community. It's fantastic, that he goes out and asks about each of the students and gets to know them, I'm glad for the years we've had with T Haas and I hope for another 10 great years!
8/7/15 2:25 PM
I'm proud to have a president who is extremely engaged with his university community, passionate about education, and never lacking a sense of humor. Congrats on 10 years T. Haas!
8/7/15 2:24 PM
President Haas and Marcia have been caring friends to our three boys since they were babies. In October 2010 my wife and I took the boys, who were then 8 and 6 years old, to Disney World. While waiting for the Hall of Presidents show, we were looking at all the paintings and busts of past presidents in the waiting area when one of the 6-year-olds asked most sincerely, "But where is our President Haas?"